REVIEW : Colourpop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipsticks (Instigator, Beeper, Stingraye)
Hello everyone, I apologize in advance for another lipstick review, cause despite the fact that I have no job and basically broke, I still managed to buy at least one lipstick every month! Nggak tau diri banget ya gue? Tapi gimana dong, walaupun udah jarang buka Bloglovin, scrolling instagram tetep jalan, tau sendiri godaan olshop di instagram kayak gimana , I know I need help. I'm a bit late for trying out these Colourpop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipsticks, a lot of brands already released their own liquid lipsticks that I'd love to try as well, but hey, better late than never right?!. Before I start to rambling out of topic, let's just get to the review shall we?. * Standar orang Indonesia yang hobi ngobrol, nyapa dikit aja bisa berlanjut ngobrol satu jam (ya nggak? ya nggak? hehe) *