Assalamu'alaikum.. Hai semuanya! Ini adalah post pertama dari blog gue. Gue bener-bener masih baru banget minatnya dalam segala hal yang berhubungan dengan kecantikan ini, tepatnya tahun lalu, dimana gue lebih memilih untuk nonton tutorial make up di youtube dibandingin beresin laporan kerja praktek gue (kadang gue nonton Masha & The Bear sama Upin Ipin juga). Gue juga seneng banget baca blog-blog kecantikan kalo gue lagi bengong atau lagi mangkir dari tugas gue, tapi nggak pernah sedikitpun gue mikir tentang buat blog sendiri, apalagi youtube channel!

Sampai akhirnya gue mulai beli lipstik sendiri. Dari situlah keinginan gue untuk punya warna yang lain, produk yang lain dimulai. Dan koleksi gue pun semakin bertambah tiap bulannya. Ada produk yang bagus dan bener-bener gue suka, ada yang biasa aja, ada juga yang mengecewakan. Rata-rata kekecewaannya sih salah gue sendiri yang nggak baca review produknya terlebih dulu sebelum membeli. Sejak itu gue selalu pastiin buat setidaknya baca tiga review dulu buat mastiin apa produk yang gue incar pantes di coba atau nggak. Jadi gue pikir, kenapa gue nggak blog tentang pengalaman gue sendiri? bikin review gue sendiri? bukannya semakin banyak review yang di baca, jadi semakin meyakinkan? jadi kenapa nggak?

Sedikit tentang username yang gue pilih, Lemme Swatch It!. Sebenarnya sejak awal gue mulai mikir mau punya blog, gue udah kebayang buat jadiin lemmeswatchit sebagai username gue. Terinspirasi dari seorang gadis kecil yang bernama Berry yang bikin tutorial make up waktu umur dia masih 2 tahun (sekarang sih udah 4 tahun) di channel youtube Epoddle. Pas dia lagi nunjukkin eyeshadow yang mau dia pake, dia bilang "lemme wash it" bukannya "lemme swatch it". Menurut gue itu adalah tutorial make up paling imut yang pernah ada. Lo tonton aja sendiri deh videonya. Gue tiap minggu nontonin video keluarga dia, channel mereka termasuk salah satu favorit gue.

Gue harap intro dari blog gue ini nggak terlalu panjang dan ngalor ngidul. Gue nggak sabar buat nulis di blog ini. Walaupun udah sering baca keluh-kesahnya blogger-blogger yang sudah senior. Tapi gue tetep penasaran. Semoga gue bisa membantu kalian yang sama-sama suka dan mau tau lebih jauh tentang make up. Sampai ketemu di post selanjutnya! :)

- Sitha

English Translation:

Assalamu'alaikum.. Hi there! This is the very first post of my blog. My interest on make up and all the beauty stuff are pretty much new, last year to be exact, when I decided to watch make up tutorials on youtube instead of finishing the report for my internship (sometimes I watch Masha & The Bear and Upin Ipin too). I also love to read a lot of beauty blogs on my spare/procastination time, but the thought of having a blog not even a youtube channel ever crossed my mind at all.

Until I bought my first lipstick. That's when my willing to get more shades, more products began. And my make up collection's started to grow, month by month. Some of the products I've got are great, some are meh, even I've got the disappointing ones!. It mostly because I didn't read any reviews before buying the product. And since then I always read at least three reviews to make sure whether the product worth to try or not. So I thought, why not blog about my own experience? make my own review? the more reviews you read, the more convincing it would be right? why not? 

Just a bit about the username I've chosen. The truth is, ever since I started to think about having a blog, I always wanted "lemmeswatchit" to be my username. It is inspired by a little girl named Berry who made a make up tutorial by the time she was only 2 years old (now she's 4 already) on youtube from Epoddle channel. When she was showing the eyeshadow that she was going to use, she said "lemme wash it" instead of "lemme swatch it". For me it was the cutest make up tutorial ever!. Just watch the video. I watch her and her family's videos every week! their channel is one of my favorite.

Well, I hope my intro for this blog wasn't too long. I am looking forward to write on this blog. Even though I've read about some complaints of being bloggers from other seniors bloggers. I'm still curious. I hope I'll be able to help whoever you are that has the same interest in make up and wanna know more about it just like me. See you on my next post! :)

- Sitha


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