REVIEW : LA Girl Matte Flat Finish Pigment Gloss in Fleur, Bazaar & Rebel

Hello again!. Okay, quick story. The second I read Noveau Cheap's post about this LA Girl Matte Flat Finish Pigment coming soon on April and I've read that it will only be $5, I was really hoping that some of the online stores here will be selling them ASAP. I mean, come on? Who can't resist that price? With tons of liquid/cream lipstick with matte finish came out already with the price not less than $8, I'm pretty sure everyone was waiting for these.

I forgot about it for awhile, and when I found out it was on sale for IDR 72K on an online shop, I've kept my eyes on Dreamy, Fleur, and Rebel. But there were not enough swatches available! The pictures shown on the LA Girl's website are not helpful at all, and only a few reviews that have been posted. I was desperate, worrying about getting the wrong shade. Luckily, some youtubers already did lip swatches, but most of them have fair skin, not medium-yellowy skin tone like me, so I still left hesitated. Until Kathleen Lights uploaded hers! I know her undertone is different that mine, but she's my favorite, any color looks good on her, and I trust her recommendation! So when she said that Fleur is her favorite shade, I was ready to put it on the cart. BUT IT WAS ALREADY OUT OF STOCK. And the other stores that sells it set the price way too high. I didn't give up yet, I kept on searching, browsing for the right price, and then I saw it on instagram selling it for only IDR 65K and all the shades were available. So I contacted the admin, and straightly order Fleur, Rebel, and Bazaar.

left - right = Fleur, Bazaar, Rebel

  • Fleur = A peachy nude shade. Depending on your skin tone, it'll look kinda brown on fair skin (like Kathleen Lights), and on me it looks slightly orange. But it doesn't make me look pale.
  • Bazaar = A pink shade with warm undertone. It's quite bright but still wearable on daily basis. I think this shade will look good on any skin tone!
  • Rebel = A beautiful dark berry shade. And it makes me feel like Rihanna! Again, I think any skin tone will rock this shade if you brave enough.

Clockwise = Bare lips, Fleur, Rebel, Bazar

The reason why I picked Bazaar instead of Dreamy is because I thought I have enough pinky nude lipsticks and lip liners, I definitely don't need more. I was about to pick Frisky too because it looks like the perfect Taylor Swift kinda Red, but I don't wear red lipstick that much. That's why I picked one nude, one bright, and one vampy shade, and I love each one of them to bits!!!

It is so pigmented, one swatch is enough to cover your whole lips. It's buildable, but the more you apply it, it tends to feel a bit sticky. Also the flat applicator helps you to use one side for lower lip, and the other side for the upper lip. I think it's more efficient instead of dipping the applicator on and on to get more of the products (just my random thoughts). Don't be fooled by the word gloss on it's name, it's meant to be the texture that is gloss like, it's a liquid that dries down to a matte finish. It dries real quick and I suggest you not to move your lips while it's still drying, because it will ended up looking patchy. Once it dried, it won't move.

It's super long lasting, it'll last the whole day through everything (drinks, prayers, even heavy meal). It is transfer proof, water proof, and budge proof. Maybe after a meal or two it will fade a bit, but just around the centre part of the lips and that's it. Even if you re-apply it, it will still look good. And it does not suck the life out of your lips! I mean, it's not that drying. It's pretty comfortable especially when you already put lip balm under it. One last thing, since it's waterproof, a simple water based make-up remover won't be able to get them off, you'll need an oil based one.

I think these are still hard to find because the cheaper ones are always out of stock. A lot of online stores sells them, but the price range is between IDR 55K - 100K. So you have to be careful, keep browsing. Don't end up paying more if you can get the lowest price. I can't compare them to the other brands since this is my first ever liquid matte lipsticks. How about you? Have you tried this LA Girl Matte Finish Pigment Gloss? What is your favorite shade?

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  1. I need them all! They're gorgeous! :)

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

    1. go get it! even I still think I need more, especially the red shade. thanks for stopping by :)

  2. oh my goodness the sound amazing & you really just can't beat that price. :]

    // ▲ ▲

    1. I know right? it's so cheap it's now sold out almost everywhere!

  3. These are perfect colors for you! I've actually never heard of this brand before but now I'm going to check them out. You can't beat that price!


    1. thanks, I'm glad the colours suits me well. you have to check them out! I heard good things about their concealers, eye & lip liners too.

  4. These definitely look like they're worth the price! I have to see where I can find these though.


    1. You can check their website, maybe they ship to Canada. I personally bought these online since there's no LA Girl outlet/store in Indonesia. Or you can check this link that Emily Fox (she's from Canada too) gave on her swatches video description. Hope it helps :)

  5. Dapat di olshop mana mba?? Susah banget cari yang harga reasonable. Rata-rata jualnya overpriced =(

    1. aku beli di trianabeautyglam di instagram mbak. bener bgt! waktu aku mau beli aja rata2 pada jualnya diatas 85rb semua. pas nemu yg agak murah dan shade nya komplit langsung bungkus deh walaupun ongkirnya agak lebay juga..

    2. Wah barusan aki cek, harganya sudah 80.000.. mereka cepet banget ya langsung naikin .. =(

    3. iyaa aku juga kaget pas liat harganya langsung jadi segitu :(
      paling nunggu kutekmurah restock lg, atau pre-book di sitandpeek, disana masih lebih murah

  6. maaf sebelumnya, bare lips kamu gimana warnanya? agak gelap apa cenderung pink gt? aku mau nyobain yg fleur, bazaar sm dreamy tapi warna lipstiknya bisa beda-beda gt ya. anyway, nice review :)

    p.s: di instagram banyak yg jual di bawah 60rb loh. so far yg aku nemu @makeupuccino (everyone knew it I guess :D), @produkjerman sm @kutekmurah. XOXO

    1. bare lips aku cenderung pink, tapi garis pinggir nya gelap.. iya emang beda2 jadinya tergantung warna bibir masing2. makanya aku gajadi ambil dreamy juga karna takut jadi keliatan pucat di aku..

      aku waktu itu telat banget nyari2nya, yg murah2 udah keburu sold out, tapi karna udh ngebet mau nyoba jadi lgsg beli aja yg harganya masih ga terlalu mahal. makasih ya udah mampir :)

    2. sama sama, wah jadi dapet pencerahan deh kalo gini. dreamy keknya bagus ya, aku liat swatches-nya Emily Fox di Youtube jatohnya bagus bgt. tapi ya dia putih bgt sih jadi warna lipstik apa aja cocok haha.
      yep, this product is sold out almost everywhere dan yg available tinggal warna warna gonjreng macem stunner atau iconic, big no lah haha.
      ok then, keep up the good review ;)

    3. di bule sih semua warnanya cocok mau yg pucat smpe yg gelap sekalipun. d kathleen lights juga dreamy bagus bgt. mungkin nanti deh coba beli juga sm yg frisky hehe
      di tempat aku beli kmrn juga harga nya skrg udh naik.. semoga aja di tempat lain harganya masih tetap sama. okay, will do :)

  7. Fleur is absolutely beautiful.. I think everybody I know looks good in this shade, maybe it's universally flattering for Indonesians like us lol. Tapi ternyata bazaar bagus juga ya di kamu, jadi penasarannn jugaa pengen beli hehe.. Btw saking sukanya sama warna fleur, lagi nyari2 lipstik lain yg punya shade mirip2 fleur deh.. Any thoughts?

    1. iyaa bazaar bagus kok. di swatch emang keliatan agak pucat mungkin pengaruh flash, tapi aslinya lebih pink lagi kok. cocok juga pasti sama cewe2 indonesia..

      sebenernya fleur ini lipstik warna peach pertama aku, tapi kalo di liat dari warnanya yg paling mirip sebenernya revlon matte lipstik yg smoked peach, sayangnya warna ini kayaknya ga masuk di indonesia deh. mungkin nggak beda jauh juga sama NYX SMLC yang london, bisa juga stockholm sama zurich sih (aku bingung antara tiga warna ini mirip2 soalnya), mungkin wet n' wild just peachy juga bisa tapi agak lebih pucat. semoga membantu :)

    2. Hihii iyaa aku jg pertama kali ni punya lippen warna begini ternyata suka.. Coba deh aku cari2 si revlon matte smoked peach itu manatau ada olshop yg jual.. Thanks yaa masukannya :)

  8. These look wonderful! Thankyou for the thorough review, I especially like the look of bazaar and rebel ^_^
    next time I do a US order I'll keep an eye out.
    Iqra |The Blushing Giraffe x

    1. you're very welcome, I'm happy to write this review and I just want people who read it get enough informations about this product.
      you have to check them out! since you're a fan of the concealer, this matte gloss is just as good.

      and thanks for stopping by, I'm a fan of your blog. I can't believe I woke up reading notifications of comments coming from you!

  9. I have bazaar and I love it

    1. It is definitely a lovely shade! Thanks for stopping by Monica :)


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