
Showing posts from July, 2015

July Haul

I finally have a haul post! Yaaaay! It's a collective haul actually since I don't get them all at once. I managed to resist the temptation to buy make up on Ramadan, ya know you gotta hold it back. And thankfully, after back and forth looking at some online shops and put everything I want on the cart, I still got to keep myself from buying everything. As I always have a soft spot for lipsticks, lipsticks took a big part in this haul. Before I talk too much, let's get to the details!

REVIEW: Mirabella Fruity Colorfix 01

Assalamu'alaikum semuanyaaa!. Gue mau review lipstik lagi nih, yang gue beli sebelum lebaran. Yah lagi-lagi lipstik, tapi nggak apa-apa lah yah, kayak yang puas aja sama satu warna lipstik doang, cung yang setuju! hehe. Buat kalian yang punya instagram, ada yang follow akun @fayjoenoes nggak? Kalo ngga, BURU FOLLOW! # maksa. Pokoknya kalo kalian penggila lipstik kayak gue, kalian harus follow   page -nya Mbak Fera, sama @lippielust dan @thelipstikmafiaaa   soalnya lip swatches mereka kece banget, apalagi karena mereka orang Indonesia, jadi seneng liat swatch mereka buat referensi sebelum beli lipstik, buat di cocok-cocokin dulu kira-kira sesuai sama kulit kita apa ngga gitu deh...

My Go-To Blush

    Eid Mubarak to those of you who celebrated! I know it's late by more than a week, but I hope this year's Ramadan will make us better and may Allah forgive our sins. Amin. And how was your holiday? I bet it was fun spending all of your time with the loved ones. 

What's In My Make Up Bag: Eid Edition

Lebaran sebentar lagi... Mari cari baju baru lagi... (Eh, gitu bukan sih lagunya?) Seperti orang rantau pada umumnya, menjelang hari lebaran ini gue dan keluarga gue mulai siap-siap untuk mudik ke kampung halaman gue di Sumatera Barat.

REVIEW: Etude House Soft Auto Touch Lip Liner

Hai semuanya, ketemu lagi di post baru dan lagi-lagi tentang pensil bibir. Sebelumnya gue udah ulas tentang lip liner Silky Girl , dan semuanya masih dalam kategori warna nude pink . Karena masih penasaran pengen nyoba lip liner merek lain, terutama yang warnanya agak kecoklatan, akhirnya gue cari lagi lip liner lain yang harganya masih terjangkau, dan ketemu lah gue sama Etude House Soft Auto Touch Lip Liner ini, dan karena harganya yang tergolong murah, gue putuskan untuk beli tiga warna sekaligus.

The Removers

Hi girls! How's it going? Today I'm going to share the stuffs that I've been using to take off all of my make up, even the waterproof one, the quick n' easy way. So far I haven't tried much products, simply because I don't wear make up daily but when I do, I always keep it light. Let's get to the chase, shall we?

Mom's Make Over Collection

Another local brand! Yaaaay! Disclaimer : Sesuai apa yang tertulis di judul, barang-barang ini bukanlah punya gue, melainkan milik nyokap gue yang diam-diam gue pinjam untuk keperluan review gue.

Make Up Wish List: Eid Edition

Assalamu'alaikum. I know that Eid is still two weeks away, but I want to share somethings that I want to buy for Eid, or after Eid if I get extra money from my family ( you know what I mean ),