What's In My Make Up Bag: Eid Edition

Lebaran sebentar lagi... Mari cari baju baru lagi... (Eh, gitu bukan sih lagunya?)
Seperti orang rantau pada umumnya, menjelang hari lebaran ini gue dan keluarga gue mulai siap-siap untuk mudik ke kampung halaman gue di Sumatera Barat.
Sebenarnya nggak bisa di bilang mudik juga sih, soalnya kami baru balik pas hari H-nya, gara-gara dapet tiket pesawat yang rada murahnya ya pas hari itu doang. Biasanya pas hari lebaran gue juga nggak pernah dandan macem-macem. Asal pake foundation atau bb cream sama lip balm aja, jadi harusnya isi tas make up gue nggak banyak, cuma karena balik ke rumah orang tua dulu, siapa tau nanti bakal jalan-jalan ke mall atau kemana gitu, terus pengen dandan, jadi lah gue bawa lebih banyak dari yang gue perluin, terutama lipstik. Kalo kira-kira nggak akan kepake, kan gue bisa tinggal di rumah, nggak usah dibawa mudik, lagian agak takut bakal ilang di bandara juga (pengalaman nyokap kehilangan skin care nya yang lumayan mahal waktu pulang kampung juga). Copet dimana-mana, bahkan di bandara (-___-*).

Just like every immigrants in the city, when Eid is coming my family and I are getting ready to going back to our hometown (mudik) in West Sumatra. Though we can't really call it "mudik" since we'll be going by the Eid day, due to the high prices of airplane tickets and the more reasonable ones are only on that day. Usually on Eid, I never put on much make up, only foundation/bb cream and some lip balm, so my make up back shouldn't be loaded with many make up. BUT since we'll be in my parents house first before going to the hometown, just in case we'll be going to the mall or somewhere fancy and I have the mood to put on make up, so I bring more make up more than I needed, especially lipstick. If I'm not going to need them in hometown, I'll just simply leave it in my parents house, and I'm kinda scared it will be lost in the airport too (my mom lost her high end skin care when she was going to the hometown as well). Thieves everywhere, even in the airport (-___-*).

Wajah: Skin Aqua Moisturizer Gel SPF 30, Olay Pore Minimizing CC Cream, Maybelline Clear Smooth Powder.
Produk untuk muka yang gue bawa semua ada SPF-nya, kenapa? Soalnya kampung gue deket banget sama pantai, dan bener-bener panas. Tiap pulang kampung gue pasti main ke pantai juga, walaupun kalo udah kepanasan yang ngerem aja di rumah nenek. Kalo gue nggak pake produk yang ada SPF-nya, bisa-bisa gue gosong. Gue selalu pake moisturizer Skin Aqua ini setiap hari, jadi nggak mungkin gue tinggal, dan untuk meratakan warna kulit gue tanpa terasa berat untuk dipake seharian, gue bawa CC Cream dari Olay ini. Belakangan ini gue juga suka banget pake bedak Maybelline ini dengan cara di buff pake flat top kabuki brush, hasilnya bener-bener bikin muka keliatan mulus, terus lama-kelamaan keliatan jadi kinclong kayak artis korea gitu deh.

Face: Skin Aqua Moisturizer Gel SPF 30, Olay Pore Minimizing CC Cream, Maybelline Clear Smooth Powder.
All of the face products must have SPF in it, why? Because my hometown is real close to the beach and it's hot in there!. I always go to the beach every time I went to the hometown, though when it's getting too hot I'll end up sitting around in my grandma's house. If I don't use products with SPF, I'll get burn. I always use Skin Aqua Moisturizer everyday, so there's no way I'm leaving without it, plus this Olay CC Cream to even out my skin tone without feeling heavy throughout the day. Lately I've been using this Maybelline powder and buffing it to my skin with a flat top kabuki brush. It creates a smooth skin that will look glowing throughout the day, just like a Korean pop stars. 

Mata: BH Cosmetics California Palette, Pixy Volumizing Waterproof Mascara, Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Liner, Elf Eyebrow Kit.
Gue bawa palet BH Cosmetics ini karena dia bener-bener travel friendly, isinya udah komplit, ada eyeshadow, blush, highlighter, jadi gue nggak usah bawa macem-macem secara terpisah. Eyeliner juga wajib buat dibawa, karena gue suka banget bikin winged liner, bikin mata sipit gue jadi keliatan lebih kece aja. Buat maskara, gue baru aja beli merk Pixy ini karena maskara gue udah pada kadaluarsa dan udah mulai kering juga, dan ternyata maskara ini bagus banget bikin bulu mata gue jadi keliatan lebih tebal dan panjang, nggak nyangka maskara semurah itu bisa bagus banget. Dan tentu saja gue juga harus bawa sesuatu untuk alis gue, karena barangnya kecil dan cara make nya juga praktis, jadi enak deh dibawa kemana-mana.

Eyes: BH Cosmetics California Palette, Pixy Volumizing Waterproof Mascara, Maybelline Lasting Drama Gel Liner, Elf Eyebrow Kit.
You already know how handy and travel friendly this BH Cosmetics palette is, it has blush, eyeshadow, highlighter already in it so I don't need to bring anything else separately. Eyeliner is also a must because I love winged liner, it makes my small eyes look more alive and cool. For mascara, I recently bought this Pixy one because all of my mascaras are expired, but turns out this mascara is really good in giving volume and length at the same time, I didn't think a cheap mascara would do such a great job!. And of course I have to bring something for my eyebrows, this kit is easy to use and it's easy to carry everywhere.

Bibir : Himalaya Lip Balm, Revlon Colorburst Balm Stain Honey, Mirabella Fruity Colorfix Lipstick 01 & 03.
Sebenernya banyak yang mau gue bawa hehe tapi gue rasa gue nggak akan pake lipstik warna macem-macem juga di kampung, karena pasti nggak banyak jalan kemana-mana juga. Lip balm wajib dibawa karena bibir gue gampang banget keringnya, dan lip balm ini selain murah dia juga cepet banget nyerapnya tanpa meninggalkan kesan berminyak di bibir gue. Balm Stain juga gue bawa untuk mengatasi bibir pucat gue, tapi masih keliatan natural. Untuk lipstik... Cinta banget gue sama dua lipstik ploduk-ploduk Indonesia ini! Gue emang baru sempet review yang 01, nah yang 03 gue baru beli (review menyusul!), dan ternyata kalo dua warna ini digabungin, menghasilkan warna browny pink yang cantik! Saya suka saya sukaaa ^_^

Lips : Himalaya Lip Balm, Revlon Colorburst Balm Stain Honey, Mirabella Fruity Colorfix Lipstick 01 & 03.
If I'm being honest, there are lots of lipsticks that I want to carry, but realistically I'm not going to where different shades of lipstick there since we won't be going out that much. Lip balm is important for my dry lips and it's so cheap and absorbs quickly into my lips without leaving any greasy feeling. The Colorburst Balm Stain is great to hint of colour to my lips but still looking natural. As for the lipsticks... I really love this Indonesian products duo! I only reviewed 01, and I just bought the 03 (review soon!), and if these two are combined, it'll create a really pretty browny pink shade! I love it, I love it ^_^

Nah itu dia barang-barang yang beruntung gue bawa mudik kali ini. Nggak banyak juga sih, ya seperlunya aja lah, lagian kalo ada yang kurang-kurang kan gue bisa pinjem punya nyokap hehe. Kalian sendiri ada yang pulang kampung nggak lebaran tahun ini? Boleh dong bagi-bagi soal make up yang kalian bawa untuk pulang kampung #kepo. Share yah di komen! 

Well, that's all the lucky ones that gets to the hometown with me this time. It's not that much, I only bring the essentials, if I need something else I can just borrow it from my mom anyway hehe. Are you going back to your hometown this Eid? Let me know what you'll bring to your hometown in the comment below :)


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