REVIEW: Mirabella Fruity Colorfix 01
Assalamu'alaikum semuanyaaa!. Gue mau review lipstik lagi nih, yang gue beli sebelum lebaran. Yah lagi-lagi lipstik, tapi nggak apa-apa lah yah, kayak yang puas aja sama satu warna lipstik doang, cung yang setuju! hehe. Buat kalian yang punya instagram, ada yang follow akun @fayjoenoes nggak? Kalo ngga, BURU FOLLOW! #maksa. Pokoknya kalo kalian penggila lipstik kayak gue, kalian harus follow page-nya Mbak Fera, sama @lippielust dan @thelipstikmafiaaa soalnya lip swatches mereka kece banget, apalagi karena mereka orang Indonesia, jadi seneng liat swatch mereka buat referensi sebelum beli lipstik, buat di cocok-cocokin dulu kira-kira sesuai sama kulit kita apa ngga gitu deh...
Assalamu'alaikum everyone! I want to review another lipstick which I bought before Eid. Yes more lipsticks, but it's alright, right? Like it's enough to have only one lipstick shade, duh. Hands up if you're with me!. For those of you who's on instagram, does anyone follow @fayjoenoes account? If you haven't, then YOU BETTER FOLLOW HER RIGHT NOW!. If you're a lipstick maniac like me, then you have to follow her, along with @lippielust and @thelipstikmafiaaa because their lips swatches are amazing! and because they're Indonesian, it's nice to see their swatches as references before buying lipstick, just to make sure whether the lipstick shade will match our skin tone or not...
Alasan kenapa gue beli lipstik ini juga gara-gara liat postingannya mbak Fera, waktu itu dia swatch lipstik Mirabella yang dia punya, dan gue langsung jatuh cinta sama lipstik yang warnanya kecoklat-coklatan gitu (standar banget ya selera gue) dari seri colorfix nomor 67. Bukan Colorfix Fruity yang matte banget ya, tapi seri colorfix ini lebih creamy cuma lama-lama jadi matte juga, gitu sih kalo kata BA-nya. Sayangnya waktu gue samperin konter Sariayu yang tempat gue beli lipstik Mirabella sebelumnya, disana nggak ada yang nomor 67, cuma ada nomor-nomor awal doang. Gue tanya ke BA-nya ada warna yang mirip nggak sama yang 67, sampe nunjukin fotonya segala, tapi nggak ketemu. Karena gue nggak mau pulang dengan tangan kosong, kasian juga sama Mbak BA-nya yang dari dulu udah baik sama gue, jadi gue beli Fruity Colorfix lagi deh (alasan!).
The reason why I bought this lipstick is because I saw Mbak Fera's swatches, she posted the swatches of her Mirabella lipstick collections, and I fell in love instantly with the brownish shade (my typical taste) from the Colorfix series number 67. Not the Fruity Colorfix with dead matte finish, but the Colorfix with creamier texture though it will be matte after awhile too, that's what the BA said. Unfortunately when I went to the Sariayu Counter where I get my first Mirabella lipstick, there was no #67. I asked the BA if there's any similar shade, even I showed her the picture too, but there was nothing like it. Because I don't wanna leave empty handed, and I felt bad for the BA since she been so nice and patient helping me, so I bought another Fruity Colorfix shade (what an excuse).
Left - Right = 01&03 Combined, 01, 03. |
Pilihan warna untuk seri Fruity Colorfix ini juga nggak banyak, tapi tetep aja gue bingung. Mau warna pink, udah kebanyakan lipstik yang warnanya begitu, mau warna merah takut jarang kepake, pas liat yang 01 gue pikir gue nggak punya banyak lipstik yang warnanya mauve kayak gini. Bungkus deh!. Sama kayak 03 yang lebih dulu gue beli, pigmented and opaque, hasil akhirnya matte, nyaman di bibir dan long lasting banget. Dipake minum cuma transfer sedikit, dipake makan juga nggak langsung bubar. Tapi dari teksturnya agak sedikit beda nih, yang nomor 03 kan creamy banget waktu dipake, nah kalo yang nomor 01 ini agak seret. Gue nggak tau apa ini udah dari pabriknya, atau karena udah kelamaan nganggur di konter kali ya? Buat gue sih nggak masalah, toh tinggal di akalin aja pake lip balm dulu, langsung mulus deh pake lipstiknya. Eh, eh, tunggu dulu, waktu iseng-iseng coba numpuk yang nomor 03 sama 01, ternyataaa jadinya cantik banget! Tipe-tipe MLBB (My Lips But Better) gitu lah, dan matte pula! Makin cinta deh gue sama lipstik ini.
The shade options on this Fruity Colorfix series are not that many, but it's still confusing to me. If I get a pink shade, I've had lots of them already, If I get the red one, I'm afraid I won't wear it as much as I'd like to, then I saw this 01 and I thought I don't have a mauve shade like this yet, so it's a wrap!. Just like my previous 03, it's very opaque, has a matte finish, very comfortable on the lips and also long lasting. It will only transfer just a little bit when you drink, but I won't be gone either when you eat. BUT there's something different on the texture, while 03 is creamy during application, 01 is a bit dragging. I don't know if it's from the factory, or maybe it's because the lipstick has been waiting too long in the counter?. It's not a problem for me though, I'll just put on some lip balm first and it'll glides on smoothly. And wait, there's more! When I randomly put 01 on top of 03, it turned out to be sooo pretty! It's more like MLBB kinda shade, and it's matte! I fell in love with these lipsticks even more.
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Top - Bottom : 01, 03, 01 and 03 mixed |
Gue bener-bener rekomendasiin lipstik Mirabella ini buat kalian yang suka sama lipstik matte, gue sendiri masih penasaran pengen beli warna yang lain. Bahkan gue denger ada warna yang mirip sama lipstik dari high end brand. Masalahnya cuma satu, gue nggak tau bisa belinya dimana selain di Griya Pahlawan Bandung. Kalo di liat dari website nya sih, kayaknya bisa beli via online, cuma karena belum pernah coba jadi kurang tau juga kayak gimana. Lagian kalo beli online kadang warnanya nggak sesuai sama kenyataannya, takut salah pilih warna gue, udah gitu setelah di liat-liat banyak barang di website yang Out of Stock. Buat kalian yang tau dimana bisa beli produk Mirabella di Bandung, atau daerah sekitar Jakarta - BSD, kasih tau gue yah pliiiiiss. Semoga review gue kali ini cukup membantu dan mempengaruhi kalian untuk lebih memilih beli produk lokal. Sampe ketemu di post gue yang selanjutnya. Bye :)
I can't recommend these lipsticks enough, I definitely will be getting more shades! I heard there's a shade that's similar to a high end lipstick too!. It's just I don't know exactly where I can find any Mirabella products besides in Griya Pahlawan Bandung. It seems like you can get them online from their website too, but since I've never tried them and the latest testimonials are from 2013, I'm not really sure if the website is trusted. It's kinda risky buying the lipsticks online anyway, the colors on the website doesn't look like the true colors in the bullet, and after looking around the website, lots of the products are Out of Stock. If you have any information where to get Mirabella products in Bandung or around Jakarta and BSD, pleaseee let me know. I hope this review helpful for you and make you interested a bit more into buying local products. I'll see you in my next post. Bye :)
Ini awet sampe berapa jam? Suka males kalo harus sering re-apply. Hehe ^^v
ReplyDeleteHai Dara, makasih udah mampir :)
DeleteLipstik ini awet kok seharian, selama kamu nggak banyak makan-makanan yang berminyak aja. kalo cuma sekedar minum makan ringan, paling cuma transfer dikiit aja.
Nah kalo udah makan berat baru deh mulai luntur tapi nggak langsung ludes ilang dari bibir juga
masuk wishlist XD
ReplyDeleteditunggu warna-warna lainnya :D
Haha aku penasaran banget mau coba warna lain dari lipstik mirabella. Tapi minim sampel sama lip swatches di internet jadi bingung sendiri kalo udah liat langsung lipstiknya di konter
DeleteUdh cb cari di toko mahmud bandung siis?
ReplyDeleteUdh cb cari di toko mahmud bandung siis?
ReplyDeletestand mirabella ada di transmart cipadung, bandung..