REVIEW: Etude House Soft Auto Touch Lip Liner
Hai semuanya, ketemu lagi di post baru dan lagi-lagi tentang pensil bibir. Sebelumnya gue udah ulas tentang lip liner Silky Girl, dan semuanya masih dalam kategori warna nude pink. Karena masih penasaran pengen nyoba lip liner merek lain, terutama yang warnanya agak kecoklatan, akhirnya gue cari lagi lip liner lain yang harganya masih terjangkau, dan ketemu lah gue sama Etude House Soft Auto Touch Lip Liner ini, dan karena harganya yang tergolong murah, gue putuskan untuk beli tiga warna sekaligus.
Warna yang gue pilih adalah Pink Beige, Soft Rose, sama Real Rose. Lagi-lagi di dominasi sama pink. Sebenarnya ada satu warna lagi yang gue incer, yaitu Milky Brown, sesuai sama yang gue mau, warnanya coklat, tapi sayang gue udah liat di semua online store yang jual lip liner ini, nggak ada satupun yang nyediain warna Milky Brown, jadi gue ganti sama Soft Rose aja deh. Langsung ke swatch-nya aja ya...
Hi everyone, here I am with another new post and again it's about lip liner. I have reviewed Silky Girl's Lip Liner in one of my first posts, all of them are still in the pinky nude range. Since I'm still curious about lip liners from other brands, yet still looking for a more browny shade, so I kept on looking for another affordable lip liners, then I found this Etude House Soft Auto Touch Lip Liner, and because it's quite cheap, I decided to buy three at a time. The shades I picked are Pink Beige, Soft Rose, and Real Rose, again and again dominated by the pinks. I actually eyeing on the Milky Brown one, just like how I wanted it in the first place, a browny shade, unfortunately after searching on almost every online stores that sells this lip liner, not a single one of them have the Milky Brown, so I replaced it with Soft Rose instead. Now moving on to the swatches...
Warna yang gue pilih adalah Pink Beige, Soft Rose, sama Real Rose. Lagi-lagi di dominasi sama pink. Sebenarnya ada satu warna lagi yang gue incer, yaitu Milky Brown, sesuai sama yang gue mau, warnanya coklat, tapi sayang gue udah liat di semua online store yang jual lip liner ini, nggak ada satupun yang nyediain warna Milky Brown, jadi gue ganti sama Soft Rose aja deh. Langsung ke swatch-nya aja ya...
Hi everyone, here I am with another new post and again it's about lip liner. I have reviewed Silky Girl's Lip Liner in one of my first posts, all of them are still in the pinky nude range. Since I'm still curious about lip liners from other brands, yet still looking for a more browny shade, so I kept on looking for another affordable lip liners, then I found this Etude House Soft Auto Touch Lip Liner, and because it's quite cheap, I decided to buy three at a time. The shades I picked are Pink Beige, Soft Rose, and Real Rose, again and again dominated by the pinks. I actually eyeing on the Milky Brown one, just like how I wanted it in the first place, a browny shade, unfortunately after searching on almost every online stores that sells this lip liner, not a single one of them have the Milky Brown, so I replaced it with Soft Rose instead. Now moving on to the swatches...
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kiri - kanan : Pink Beige, Soft Rose, Real Rose |
- Pink Beige : beige dengan sedikit hint of pink, hence the name Pink Beige.
- Soft Rose : nggak bisa jelasin warnanya selain mauvy pink.
- Real Rose : di swatch warnanya keliatan kayak burgundy red, tapi di bibir warnanya jadi true red, cakep banget! warna favorit gue.
- Pink Beige : beige shade with a hint of pink.
- Soft Rose : I can't really describe the colour except, a mauvy pink.
- Real Rose : on the swatch it may look like a burgundy red , but on the lips it looks more like a true red, such a pretty shade! and it's my favorite out of three.
Lip liner ini formulanya bener-bener creamy, nggak seret sama sekali waktu make nya, apalagi kalo sebelumnya udah pake lip balm terlebih dahulu. Kalian juga bisa liat kalo semuanya pigmentasinya oke, jadi bisa dipake sendiri tanpa di tambahin lipstik lagi, dan gue nggak merasa bibir gue jadi kering juga. Cuma kalo yang warna Pink Beige gue nggak pede pake sendiri, soalnya pucat banget, keliatannya kayak bibir gue dipakein concealer atau lip primer aja. Lip liner ini nggak transfer proof atau waterproof, tapi walaupun nempel di gelas, cuma sedikit aja kok, ketahanannya juga lumayan oke, asal nggak makan bar-bar aja. Oh iya, maksud dari "Auto" yang tercantum di nama nya adalah lip liner ini bersifat retractable, jadi nggak perlu di serut-serut. Cuma satu yang jadi masalah buat gue, isinya dikit banget! Kira-kira se-ruas ujung jari kelingking aja. Gue pernah baca review kalo lip liner ini ada refill-nya. Tapi sejauh ini gue belum nemu ada yang jual, bahkan di konter Etude House sendiri pun nggak keliatan.
The formula of this lip liners is really creamy, not dragging at all, and using lip balm prior will make it glides even more smoothly. The pigmentation is good as well, it's opaque, so you can use it alone as a lipstick without drying up your lips. Except the Pink Beige one, since it's so pale it looks like I'm only dabbing concealer on my lips, I won't wear this shade alone. This lip liner is not waterproof and may transfer a little bit on to your glass throughout drinking, it last quite long too as long as you don't eat heavily. And what the "Auto" meant in the name of this lip liner is, it is retractable, so there's no need to sharpening. The only downside of this lip liner is, how small it is! The size of this lip liner is not even half of my pinkie. I read some reviews saying that this lip liners also have the refill. But so far I haven't seen any stores that sells it, even the Etude House stores itself.
The formula of this lip liners is really creamy, not dragging at all, and using lip balm prior will make it glides even more smoothly. The pigmentation is good as well, it's opaque, so you can use it alone as a lipstick without drying up your lips. Except the Pink Beige one, since it's so pale it looks like I'm only dabbing concealer on my lips, I won't wear this shade alone. This lip liner is not waterproof and may transfer a little bit on to your glass throughout drinking, it last quite long too as long as you don't eat heavily. And what the "Auto" meant in the name of this lip liner is, it is retractable, so there's no need to sharpening. The only downside of this lip liner is, how small it is! The size of this lip liner is not even half of my pinkie. I read some reviews saying that this lip liners also have the refill. But so far I haven't seen any stores that sells it, even the Etude House stores itself.
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atas - bawah : Pink Beige, Soft Rose, Real Rose |
Overall, gue suka banget sama lip liner ini. Cuma karena isinya yang sedikit, gue jadi irit-irit pakenya, apalagi yang warna Real Rose. Kalo nanti shade Milky Brown ada yang stok juga gue pasti beli. Karena gue beli di online store, harganya jadi lebih murah di banding di konter resmi Etude House-nya. Kayaknya sih harga retail di toko sekitar 60-80ribu. Tapi gue belinya cuma 28ribu doang. Kalo di bandinging sama Silky Girl sih harga nggak beda jauh, tapi isinya jauh lebih sedikit. Cuma dari segi formula gue lebih suka Etude House karena lebih creamy dan nggak se-kering Silky Girl. Jadi gimana? Apa kalian tertarik untuk coba Etude House Auto Touch Lip Liner? Atau kalian punya rekomendasi lip liner yang harganya ramah di kantong selain dari Etude House dan Silky Girl?
Overall, I really like these lip liners. Due to the really small size of them, I really have to use it carefully and sparingly, especially the Real Rose one. If I ever find the Milky Brown shades available at any stores, pretty sure I'm buying it. Because I bought these online, the price is lower than Etude House's official counter. I think the retail price is around IDR 60K-80K, while I bought these only for IDR 28K. Compared to the Silky Girl ones, the price is not that different, though Silky Girl have bigger size. But formula wise, I prefer Etude House since it's creamy and not as drying as Silky Girl. So how is it? Are you interested to try this Etude House Auto Touch Lip Liner? Or do you have any recommendations for another affordable lip liner than Etude House and Silky Girl?
Overall, I really like these lip liners. Due to the really small size of them, I really have to use it carefully and sparingly, especially the Real Rose one. If I ever find the Milky Brown shades available at any stores, pretty sure I'm buying it. Because I bought these online, the price is lower than Etude House's official counter. I think the retail price is around IDR 60K-80K, while I bought these only for IDR 28K. Compared to the Silky Girl ones, the price is not that different, though Silky Girl have bigger size. But formula wise, I prefer Etude House since it's creamy and not as drying as Silky Girl. So how is it? Are you interested to try this Etude House Auto Touch Lip Liner? Or do you have any recommendations for another affordable lip liner than Etude House and Silky Girl?
I really like the colors. They're very pretty & rich. :]
ReplyDelete// ▲ ▲
Yes they are! :)
DeleteThese colors are gorgoues. I especially like the pink beige one!! I would love to try these! I don't know if you have access to Nyx makeup but their lip liners are awesome and super affordable too
ReplyDeleteWe do have Nyx, but unfortunately they're more on the pricey side here. And the lip liners are quite hard to find since most of the stores that sells them doesn't seem like gonna be restocking them :(
DeleteI think it's because lip liners aren't as big here as in the US or other countries
Kak boleh tau nama onlinestorenya? Abisan murahbgt 28rb:")