Mom's Make Over Collection

Another local brand! Yaaaay! Disclaimer: Sesuai apa yang tertulis di judul, barang-barang ini bukanlah punya gue, melainkan milik nyokap gue yang diam-diam gue pinjam untuk keperluan review gue.
Nyokap sebenarnya bukanlah orang yang suka dandan, tapi kalo keluar rumah pasti yang paling di utamain adalah ngerapihin alis. Make Up nyokap gue juga nggak banyak karena nyokap lebih mengutamakan skin care, bahkan koleksi make up nyokap sekarang udah kalah banyak sama punya gue. Alhamdulillah nya sih nyokap nggak komplen, justru seneng, karena akhirnya sekarang anak mama udah bener-bener jadi cewek. Karena kita sering bareng kemana-mana, dan kadang nyokap nggak bawa make up nya kemana-mana, begitu juga sebaliknya dengan gue, jadi kita sering pinjem-pinjeman make up, maka dari itu gue bisa laah review koleksi nyokap gue, walaupun cuma sekedar quick review.

Another local brand! Yaaay! Disclaimer: As written on the title, these products doesn't belong to me, they're my mother's which I secretly borrowed for the purpose of my review (I'm a sneaky daughter). My mom is not a big fan of make up, but when she goes out of the house the first thing she does is her eyebrows. She doesn't have much make up as well because she's more of a skin care person, even now I have more make up compared to her. Thankfully, she never complains about my growing make up collection, in fact she's more grateful because her daughter's finally becoming a real girl. Because we go out together a lot and mom doesn't bring all of her make up everywhere, vice versa, we like to borrow each other's make up, that's why I can give you a review of Mom's Make Over collection, though it's more of a quick review.

1. Make Over Perfect Cover Two Way Cake in Cappucino & Light Beige (IDR 139K)
Nyokap beli dua bedak ini terpisah, yang pertama di beli Cappucino, cuma gue bilang bedaknya ke gelapan malah bikin nyokap keliatan kusam, akhirnya nyokap beli warna yang lebih terang buat di campur sama Cappucino. Gue juga suka sama bedak ini karena teksturnya halus, coverage nya juga lumayan (terutama kalo aplikasinya pake sponge), dan nggak bikin kulit gue berminyak. Kadang yang Cappucino juga gue pake buat bronzer kalo dandanan gue terlalu pucat. Cuma untuk produk lokal, harga segitu buat bedak lumayan mahal juga ya, makanya gue nggak beli buat diri gue sendiri. Maklum, belum punya duit sendiri, hehe.

1. Make Over Perfect Two Way Cake in Cappucino & Light Beige
Mom bought both of these separately, Cappucino is the first one, but after I told her that it looks too dark on her and it makes her look dull, she decided to buy a lighter one to be mixed with Cappucino. I like this powder because of the smooth texture, it gives enough coverage, especially when used with a sponge, and it doesn't make me look oily. Sometimes I use Cappucino as a bronzer if my make up looks too pale. But for a local brand, the price is quite high for just a powder, that's why I didn't by this for myself. Since I haven't earned any money for myself, I gotta keep my budget real low.

2. Make Over Creamy Lust Lipstick in Clover Haze (IDR 69K)
Lipstik ini di beli barengan sama bedak yang light, gue suka banget sama lipstik ini karena warna nya emang cakep banget, dusty rose gitu lah, ya emang gue sama nyokap sebenarnya seleranya nggak beda jauh juga sih, sama-sama suka warna nude pink. Tekstur lipstik ini creamy tapi lama-lama bakal set jadi matte (mirip sama Wet n Wild Megalast Lipstick). Pilihan warna lipstik seri ini juga nggak terlalu banyak dan masih tergolong warna yang aman.

2. Make Over Creamy Lust Lipstick in Clover Haze
This lipstick is brought along with the light powder, I love this lipstick because it is such a pretty shade! It's a dusty rose shade, a typical kind of shade for me and my mom, we do have a similar taste, we both love pinky nude. The texture of this lipstick is creamy but it will set to matte after awhile (just like Wet n Wild Megalast Lipstick). The shade options in this lipstick series are not that many and the shades are more in the safe zone.

3. Make Over Powder Blush in Promiscuous Peach (IDR 75K)
Dari serbuk yang bertebaran dimana-mana, bisa di lihat kalo powder blush ini bener-bener powdery. Tapi pigmented banget, jadi ngambilnya nggak usah nafsu sampe di usreg-usreg atau di swirl muter-muter kayak adek gue (-____-). Warnanya peachy pink dan menurut gue cocok buat cewek-cewek Indonesia yang berkulit putih atau kuning langsat. Untuk staying power nya juga lumayan, setelah 4-5 jam gue masih keliatan berseri-seri.

3. Make Over Powder Blush in Promiscuous Peach
From the look of the dusts flying all over the packaging, you can see that this powder blush is really powdery. But it is really pigmented, so you don't have to vigorously swirling it, like my sister did. It is a peachy pink shade, and I think this will suits a lot of Indonesian girls with light or yellowy skin tone. The staying power of this blush is not bad either, I still looked blushing after 4-5 hours.

4. Make Over Trivia Eyeshadow in Natural Nude (IDR 79K)
Eyeshadow trio dari Make Over ini menurut gue warnanya juga masih netral-netral, termasuk yang satu ini. Walaupun ada warna ungu, masih tergolong warna yang muted, bukan yang jreng atau neon. Eyeshadow ini terdiri dari warna shimmery bronze, shimmery grey, sama satin purple. Ketiga-tiganya kalo di kombinasiin juga menghasilkan eye look yang cantik. Sama kayak blush nya, eyeshadow ini juga lumayan powdery, tapi pigmentasinya oke. 

4. Make Over Trivia Eyeshadow in Natural Nude
Just like the lipsticks and the blushes, the colours of the eyeshadows are mostly neutrals. Though it has a purple shade, it's still a muted shade, not a bright neon one. This eyeshadows contains a shimmery bronze, shimmery grey, and a satin purple shade. The combination of these three colours will create a pretty eye look. This is also powdery with a great pigmentation.

ki - ka (left - right) : Light, Cappucino, Promiscuous Peach, Trivia Eyeshadow (without primer)

Menurut gue, buat sebuah brand lokal, Make Over punya kualitas yang oke banget!. Harganya masih terjangkau, nggak murah-murah amat, dan nggak mahal juga. Selain itu pilihan produk dari Make Over ini bener-bener komplit, mulai dari primer sampe make up remover aja ada. Mungkin nanti gue juga akan beli produk Make Over untuk gue sendiri. Terimakasih sudah mampir :)

For a local brand, I think Make Over did a great job for making such a good quality products! The prices are affordable as well, not too cheap, but not too pricey either. More over, they have a complete product options too, from primer to make up remover, they have it all. Maybe next time I'll get my own Make Over product!. Thanks for stopping by :) 


  1. These products look super nice! I've never heard of this brand before. I'm always so curious about brands that I cant get where I live!

    1. They're great! Well, that's what happened here too. We always ended up buying US or UK brand while there are lots of local brands waiting to be explored!

  2. Awww you and your mumma sound so cute!
    Its great to see a blogger form Indonesia - perhaps there are a lot I don't know.
    The pigment in the eyeshadows looked really nice too!
    Kelsey x

    1. Thank you :) Yes, there are lots of other Indonesian bloggers that I haven't been able to discover too. I love how great the pigmentations are for such an affordable price!

  3. Whoa, your mom is so supportive! I always get complaint by my mum because I always buy makeups, lol..
    The eyeshadows look so pigmented, I love the colours too!~ I've been reading other Indonesian bloggers as well, and it seems like you guys have a lot of local brands coming and they are soooo nice to see!! I'd definitely grab some if I visit your country ^_^

    xx ieyra |

    1. Alhamdulillah my mom never complains (yet). Maybe because I only buy products with reasonable prices and I don't ask for extra money from her to buy make up hehe
      Yesss! A lot of new local brands are coming with such an eye catching packaging. But I also envy all the products you guys get in Malaysia, I wish they're available in Indonesia too


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