Bibir Ala Korea // Favorite Lipstick Combos To Make Gradient Lips

My obsession to all things Korean or K-pop has been gone a long time ago. Back then there was no gradient lips, just a normal one shade lips, nothing too crazy. Until last year when I began to confess my love to make up, I started to realize different kinds of trends in the make up world. I tried western, middle east, or asian trends, including gradient lips.

Sebenarnya yang suka sama gradient lips itu adek ku yang emang cenderung lebih tertarik sama Korean Make Up look yang kesannya lebih natural dan anti ribet, jadi dia suruh aku coba bikin gradient lipsWhen I first tried it, it felt weird. I always thought looking cute is not my thing since I have this resting b* face the whole time, so looking cute would make it seem like I'm trying too hard. But as time goes by, I tried it again.. and looking cute is actually not bad at all. 

So I have been experimenting with different lipstick combos to create the gradient lips like those K-pop stars have, now I'm going to give you the list of my favorite combos! Heeere we go..

Bare it All + Topaz

1. Wet n' Wild Megalast Lipstick (902 Bare it All) + Purbasari Matte Lipstick (86 Topaz)
Out of 3 combos that I will be sharing with you, this one is a more subtle one. Jadi menurutku warna campuran antara Bare it All (reviewed here) yang peachy pink agak pucat, ditambah sama Purbasari Topaz (reviewed here) yang merah bata, menghasilkan gradient lips yang berkesan natural kayak kamu habis makan permen kaki (lupa nama asli permennya apa), atau habis gigitin bagian dalam bibir (which I sometimes do when I'm being anxious).

Shilouette + Fame Fatale

2. Make Over Ultra Hi-Matte Lipstick 016 Shilouette + 015 Fame Fatale
Nah kalo kombo dari Make Over UHM Lipstick ini memberi kesan gradient lips yang lebih vampy, kayak habis minum darah ala-ala Countess Elizabeth di American Horror Story: Hotel (I LOVE HER SHE'S SO HOT OMG). I love both of these shades as well. Tapi kalo kalian baca review Fame Fatale ku, kalian mungkin tau kalo mama ku kurang setuju sama Fame Fatale karena mama punya feeling nggak baik sama dy (eh itu sih buat hal yang lain kali ya *krik krik*). Anyway, my mom thinks the shade of Fame Fatale is too norak, kayak merah emak-emak arisan. Dengan digabungkannya Shilouette sama Fame Fatale, aku jadi bisa lebih sering pake Fame Fatale tanpa diprotes sama si mama hahaha. Psst this is my favorite gradient lips combo loh!

Blushing + Muse Red

3. Jordana Modern Matte Lipstick (Blushing) + RiRe Lip Manicure High Fix (Muse Red)
This one is more on the bright side of gradient lips. Soalnya RiRe Muse Red sendiri warnanya udah merah jreng banget, di campur sama Jordana Modern Matte Blushing, dia berubah jadi agak pink tapi masih terang rada neon gitu. Jadi buat kalian yang jiwanya lebih colourful, mungkin lebih suka sama gradient lips yang kayak begini. Lipstik Purbasari 85 Safir juga bisa dijadiin alternatif yang jauh lebih murah dari RiRe Muse Red karena warnanya sama-sama jreng.

Bikin gradient lips ala k-pop stars itu nggak susah kok. Yang penting punya lipstik nude untuk dipakai di seluruh bibir, sama lipstik bold untuk dipakai di bagian dalam bibir, or in the center part of your lips. Selama kalian punya lipstik nude dan lipstik bold, kalian tinggal mix and match aja deh sesuai selera mau warna gradient lips yang kayak gimana? Bold and bright, vampy, or natural?. I honestly been loving wearing gradient lips cause it makes me feel younger. Karena merasa sudah tua pengaruh di kelilingi anak-anak terus (^.^").

Sekian dulu postingan blog kali ini.. semoga menginspirasi untuk icip-icip bikin gradient lips menggunakan lipstik yang kalian punya, dan semoga kalian juga nggak bosen baca postingan blog ku yang suka kebablasan panjangnya *keciri hobi ngobrol*. Sampai ketemu di postingan selanjutnya!

Bonus picture of me with gradient lips #nokpopstar.
L - R = Bare it all + Topaz, Blushing + Muse Red


  1. This is such a great post! Your lips look great!

    I write Mademoiselle Meets Maquillage and Macaroons and I would love for you to give it a read, maybe we can follow each other's blogs and social media?

    Deepti xx

  2. coba ombre pake produk wardah untuk warna nude dan pixy lipcream yang warna merah deh mba. itu bagus hasilnya


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