Current Favorite Base (Pixy Bright Fix BB Cream)

Hi girls. Happy Indonesia's 70th Independence day!. I'm sorry I didn't post a lot lately. I've been busy with college, testing, and getting my thesis done. I don't know if I will graduate this semester or not, but let's just hope for the best. In the middle of my business and getting stressed with everything, I did some shopping whether it's for food, drink, or make up. Hence this review came up.

Hi girls. Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Indonesia yang ke 70!. Mohon maaf ya belakangan ini agak jarang ngepost. Gue lagi sibuk ngurusin kuliah, pengujian, dan nyelesain Tugas Akhir gue. Gue nggak tau deh gue bakal lulus semester ini atau nggak, tapi tetep gue harap yang terbaik buat gue. Dan di tengah-tengah kesibukan dan ke-stressan gue dengan semuanya, gue kadang belanja makanan, minuman, dan bahkan make up. Makanya terciptalah review ini.

I did tried a few BB Creams before from Maybelline, Garnier, and Wardah. I didn't write reviews on them because I've used them up already. But the summary is, Maybelline Clear Smooth felt too thick and the shade was too greyish on me. I love both Wardah and Garnier because they both matched my skin tone, have great staying power and oil control, but I they still felt a bit too thick for me. And I read a lot of good reviews on this Pixy Bright Fix BB Cream, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Sebelumnya gue udah pernah nyobain beberapa macam BB Cream mulai dari Maybelline, Garnier, sampe Wardah. Gue nggak bikin reviewnya soalnya barangnya udah keburu habis. Tapi kesimpulannya, Maybelline Clear Smooth terlalu tebel dan warnanya terlalu ke abu-abuan buat gue. Gue suka Wardah sama Garnier karena warnanya cocok sama kulit gue, tahan lama dan nggak bikin berminyak juga, tapi tetep aja rasanya masih agak terlalu tebel buat gue. Dan setelah baca banyak review tentang Pixy BB Cream ini, gue mutusin buat nyoba juga.

This BB Cream is just like any other bb cream that has cream texture, but it's goes slightly watery on the skin, which I love. And compared to my previous bb creams, this one feels the lightest. It only has three shades options and picking up the right shade was a bit confusing. But I ended up picking ochre because it seems like the darkest shade of all and doesn't seem greyish at all. I'm glad the shade suits me, though it's still a bit lighter for me, I can make it work and mix it with a drop of my darker shade foundation.

BB cream ini nggak beda jauh sama bb cream lainnya yang teksturnya krim, cuma bedanya dia lebih encer begitu di oles ke kulit, kayak air gitu, dan gue suka. Di bandingin sama bb cream gue yang sebelumnya juga bb cream ini yang rasanya paling ringan. Pilihan warnanya cuma ada tiga, dan milih warna mana yang cocok sama gue agak ngebingungin juga. Tapi akhirnya gue pilih warna ochre karna keliatannya paling gelap di antara warna yang lain dan nggak keliatan abu-abu sama sekali. Untungnya warna ochre ini cocok buat gue, walaupun masih sedikit terlalu terang, tapi bisa lah di akal-akalin dengan cara gue campur pake foundation gue yang warnanya lebih gelap.

I'd say the coverage is light to medium because I can still see the dark circles around my eyes and also some of my scars, so if you expect this to cover all of your skin problems you might need extra work with concealer, or you may as well just use a full coverage foundation. But the problem is, not everyone likes to wear foundation all the time, and for me this bb cream works well to even out my skin tone, so I'm good to go. I like that the finish is more of a satin finish, without looking too glowy, so I prefer to not use any more powder on top. The powder will only make my skin look real matte and people will tell that I'm wearing make up, that's not what I expect on daily basis where I want a no make up, make up look instead. Another huge plus, it has SPF 30++! So it helps to protect your skin from the sun as well. Though I still use a moisturizer with SPF as well on my skin care routine, it makes me feel more safe when my base or powder have SPF too.

Menurut gue coverage nya light to medium, soalnya lingkar hitam sekitar mata dan beberapa bekas luka di muka gue masih keliatan, jadi kalo kalian pengennya semua masalah kulit kalian tertutupi, kalian harus pake concealer, atau sekalian aja pake foundation yang full coverage biar lebih praktis. Masalahnya kan nggak semua orang suka pake foundation setiap hari, jadi buat gue sih BB Cream ini udah bisa ngeratain warna kulit gue aja, gue udah puas dan tinggal capcus keluar rumah. Selain itu gue juga suka hasil akhirnya yang satin, dan nggak terlalu kinclong, jadi gue nggak perlu pake bedak lagi di atasnya. Lagian kalo dipakein bedak, kulit gue malah keliatan terlalu matte, jadinya orang-orang tau kalo gue pake make up terus di sangka lebay atau centil, padahal kan kalo sehari-hari maunya ala-ala no make up, make up look gitu. Ditambah lagi BB Cream ini juga mengandung SPF 30++! Jadi muka gue tetap terlindung dari sinar matahari juga. Walaupun gue juga udah pake pelembab yang ada SPF-nya, tetep aja gue merasa lebih aman kalo alas dan bedak gue ada SPF-nya juga.

This BB Cream has been my go to base in the past couple of weeks. Not only for daily basis, but also when I'm going out, because this can be build up easily or I'll just use powder with coverage to make my skin look more polished. It stays for a long time too. It claims a 12 hour staying power, but since I never really pay attention for how long I've worn it, all I know is by the time I'm going home in the afternoon, my skin still looks good and not too oily, although I've been moving around everywhere. For something that's only IDR 30K, I really don't have anything to complain about. So what about you? Have you tried this Pixy Bright Fix BB Cream too?

BB Cream ini udah jadi andalan gue banget dua minggu belakangan ini. Nggak cuma untuk sehari-hari aja tapi juga kalo gue lagi keluar jalan-jalan, soalnya BB Cream ini bisa di build up atau gue tinggal pake bedak yang ada coverage nya aja dan muka gue pun langsung keliatan lebih mulus. Selain itu dia juga awet banget, katanya sih staying power-nya sampe 12 jam, tapi karena gue nggak pernah merhatiin banget, yang gue tau sih begitu gue sampe rumah sore-sore setelah mondar-mandir kesana kemari, muka gue masih keliatan bagus dan nggak berminyak. Buat BB Cream yang harganya cuma 30ribu, gue sih nggak ada keluhan lah ya. Nah gimana dengan kalian? Apa ada yang pernah coba Pixy Bright Fix BB Cream ini juga?


  1. Hello Sitha, you entered a giveaway to win a dress on my blog, you are the winner :) Have a look at my Facebook:

    and at my blog:

    Great blog you have, kiss kiss from France, Sand!

    1. OMG is this real? This is like a dream to me >.<
      Sure, I'll go ahead to your facebook page now.
      You have a great blog too! Thank you so much, Sand :D

  2. iyesss bb cream emang kurang bisa nutup bekas jerawat ya, alhamdulillah bekas jerawatku ga ada yang parah. sama! aku juga kalo pake bb cream sekarang gasuka dibedakin lagi, habis yang ada malah jadi keliatan too powdery :/


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