REVIEW: RiRe Lip Manicure High Fix Pink Brown & Muse Red
Sticking to the liquid lipstick hype that doesn't seem to be leaving in at least to the end of this year, I'm curious to try some other brands after being impressed with the LA Girl Flat Finish Pigment Gloss. But as a college student with limited budget, I try to keep it less than 150K for each lipstick. As much as I wanted to try Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks in Lolita also the newly released Veronica and Trust Issue from Anastasia Beverly Hills, let's be real, they're too pricey for me. I'd rather save my money to buy shoes, bags, or books, which I know can be used for years, instead of a piece of liquid lipstick that probably doesn't even contain a full spoon of rice.
Masih mengikuti tren lipstik cair yang nampaknya nggak akan menghilang paling tidak sampe akhir tahun ini, gue penasaran untuk coba merk lain setelah cukup terkesan sama LA Girl Flat Finish Pigment Gloss yang udah gue cobain sebelumnya. Tapi sebagai mahasiswa dengan budget terbatas, gue batasin pengeluaran gue yang nggak boleh lebih dari 150 ribu untuk satu lipstik. Mau gimanapun gue ngebet pengen nyobain KvD Everlasting Liquid Lipstick yang warna Lolita, Veronica sama Trust Issue dari ABH, realistis aja deh, mereka terlalu mahal buat gue *tsah*. Mending duitnya gue pake buat beli sepatu, tas, atau buku yang waktu pakenya jangka panjang, bertahun-tahun, ketimbang buat lipstik yang isinya mungkin nggak sampe se-sendok nasi.
I made a lot of considerations and researches before deciding which liquid lipstick to buy, based of the quality, finish, variety shades, whether it's drying or not, and more importanly, the price. When I read some reviews on instagram about how good these are and it's only 99K for two, I'm sold.
Banyak pertimbangan dan penelitian yang gue lakuin sebelum mantep mutusin lipstik apa yang bakal gue beli, baik itu berdasarkan kualitas, hasil akhir, variasi warna, bikin kering bibir atau ngga, dan yang paling penting, harganya. Pas gue baca review di instagram tentang betapa kece-nya RiRe ini dan harganya cuma 99ribu doang dapet dua, gue pun mantep buat beli ini.
There are 10 shades available in this lip manicure range, dominated by bright and bold shades, from pink, coral, orange, to reds. I guess that's how it works in Korea since lots of their products came in bold shades. I picked Pink Brown because it's the safest shade, and Muse Red because I want a bright, true red kinda shade. At my first swatch, I fell in love with Muse Red instantly, because it's so bright, it makes my whole face seemed brighter too!. It's not exactly a true red shade because it has slightly a hint of orange if seen closely under bright lights. Meanwhile, though Pink Brown is definitely a pretty pink brown shade, and many says this is a dupe of Lime Crime Riot, I feel like this shade is so ordinary. Maybe it's because I've owned too many pinky brown lipsticks already.
Lip Manicure ini terdiri dari 10 warna yang di dominasi sama warna yang cerah dan ngejreng, mulai dari pink, coral, orange, sampe merah. Kayaknya sih emang begitu ya tren nya di Korea, soalnya gue perhatiin rata-rata lipstik dari brand Korea ngeluarinnya warna-warna yang bold. Gue pilih warna Pink Brown, yaitu warna yang paling aman, sama Muse Red soalnya gue pengen punya warna yang cerah, dan bener-bener merah. Pertama kali gue swatch, gue langsung jatuh cinta sama Muse Red ini, terang banget tapi nggak norak (walaupun adek gue bilang gue kayak habis makan orok), sampe muka gue jadi keliatan lebih cerah juga. Tapi ternyata warnanya bukan true red sih, soalnya masih ada sedikiiit hint oren kalau dilihat deket-deket dibawah cahaya yang terang. Sedangkan si Pink Brown nggak bikin gue jatuh cinta banget, yah warnanya cantik sih, malah katanya ini dupe dari Lime Crime Riot loh, tapi menurut gue warnanya standar. Mungkin karena gue udah kebanyakan lipstik warna begini kali ya.
Top - Bottom = Muse Red, Pink Brown |
Now let's get to the details. This lip manicure has a thin liquid texture, very similar to LA Girl, as opaque and dries as quickly as well to a matte finish. The finish feels so soft on the lips as if it's topped by powder, but it won't budge. It's super light and comfortable on the lips because it's not drying at all, it also smells like candy. It is kissproof and smudgeproof though it's not transferproof because it did transfer on to my cup when I drank and it faded around the centre part of the lips once I ate. I think that's normal and it's not a big deal for me as long as it still look pretty after I ate so I don't have to worry about re-applying.
Sekarang mari kita bahas detailnya... Lip manicure ini punya tekstur cair yang tipis, mirip sama LA Girl, opacity dan kecepatan kering jadi matte nya juga sama. Hasil akhirnya tuh rasanya haluuus banget di bibir, serasa kayak dikasih bedak, tapi nggak bergeser sama sekali. Pokoknya terasa ringan dan nyaman banget deh di bibir, dan nggak bikin kekeringan juga, dan ada wangi-wangi manis kayak permen gitu. Lip Manicure ini kissproof and smudgeprood, tapi nggak transferproof. Soalnya pas gue minum, dia agak nempel ke gelas dan waktu makan bagian tengahnya agak hilang. Menurut gue sih normal-normal aja, dan nggak masalah juga selama setelah makan bibir gue masih keliatan bagus, nggak beleporan, jadi gue nggak harus repot-repot pake ulang.
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Top - bottom : Pink Brown (no flash), with flash |
Moving on to the downside, this lip manicure is so small, it's affecting the applicator. Though it works fine in applying and spreading the liquid, it's kinda hard to draw them to the right shape of your lips due the shortness of the wand. I have to move my hand more carefully so the lid won't touch and mess my lipstick. Weirdly, the shape of the applicator is different between Pink Brown and Muse Red, Pink Brown has a heart shape, while Muse Red has a regular doe foot shape. For me the doe foot shape works better since it's smaller so I can get a more precise result than the heart shape applicator. And the last thing that concern me a bit is, Pink Brown is a bit drying and less softer compared to Muse Red, it also sinks into fine lines while the Muse Red didn't. More reasons not to repurchase Pink Brown. On the packaging it's written the expiration date is on 2017, so there's no need to rush and use this every single day in order to use it up before it's expired. It's really small anyway, I'm sure it'll be used up quickly.
Yang agak bikin kecewanya, lip manicure ini kecil banget, dan ini berpengaruh sama ukuran aplikatornya juga. Aplikatornya standar ya yang bentuk doe foot gitu, sebenarnya bagus-bagus aja untuk aplikasiin dan nyebarin cairan lipstiknya, tapi bikin susah buat ngikutin bentuk bibir karena tongkatnya pendek banget. Jadi harus bener-bener hati2 gerakin tangan, salah-salah nanti yang ada malah jadi kena bagian bibir yang udah di olesin lipstik, terus lipstiknya jadi bubar sebelum kering. Anehnya, bentuk aplikatornya tuh beda-beda, kalo Pink Brown bentuknya hati, sedangkan Muse Red bentuknya doe foot biasa gitu. Menurut gue sih yang doe foot lebih bagus soalnya lebih kecil jadi lebih gampang untuk ngikutin bentuk bibir. Terus nih ya, si Pink Brown ternyata lebih kering dan nggak se-lembut Muse Red, dia juga masuk ke garis-garis bibir, nggak kayak si Muse Red yang mulus dan nggak keliatan cracking. Jadi makin banyak deh alasan gue untuk nggak repurchase Pink Brown. Di kemasannya tercantum kalo kadaluarsanya lip manicure ini masih tahun 2017, jadi nggak usah buru-buru pake tiap hari deh buat habisinnya. Lagian ukurannya juga kecil, pasti cepet lah habisnya.
I can see why it's getting popular these days because it is so good and doesn't hurt your pocket or bank account. I kinda hate myself for not getting more shades, but hey, I'm trying to hold myself back from buying too many lipsticks, remember?. But if I will be repurchasing this, I definitely pick up the brighter shades. So, how about you guys? Have you tried this RiRe Lip Manicure or are you interested in getting this too?
Gue bisa ngerti kenapa lip manicure ini makin populer belakangan ini, habis bagus banget sih, murah lagi, jadi nggak menguras dompet atau rekening. Gue agak sebel juga sih karna nggak beli warna yang lain, tapi gue kan sedang dalam percobaan untuk menahan diri tidak membeli lipstik terlalu banyak, ya kan?. Tapi kalo pun nanti gue beli lagi, gue pasti pilih warna-warna yang lebih terang. Nah, kalian sendiri gimana? Udah coba RiRe Lip Manicure ini, atau tertarik untuk mencoba juga kah?
Both colors are beautiful on you! I can see how the short applicatior would be a pain. I haven't tried out many liquid lipsticks before but these look so pretty!
ReplyDeleteI only tried LA Girl, Sleek and RiRe. And so far RiRe is the most comfy on the lips, so the short applicator isn't a big deal for me. You definitely have to try this if this is available in US. they have great choice of shades! :)
Delete99 ribu dapat 2? Dimana belinya? >.<
ReplyDeletedi elevenia mbak, disana ada yg jual buy 1 get 1 rire nya. kayaknya sih sekarang udah naik jadi 130rb lagi deh..
Deletetapi pantengin aja terus, soalnya di elevenia sering bgt ada promo2 murah gitu
makasih ya udah mampir :)
Both shades are crazy gorgeous, but Pink Brown reminds me of Kat Von D Lolita! Was this the main reason why you chose to go with the shade? ;P I've never heard about this brand tho! Surely I've been missing out hehe.
ReplyDeleteieyra h. | blog
I think lolita is darker and it's not the reason I got pink brown hehe it's just pink brown is the only neutral shade among of all the bold shades that I won't be able to pull off on daily basis :p
DeleteI wasn't sure either before buying these because the brand isn't as big as the others korean brands, but the reviews are good and it's so affordable too, so I had to try it out :D
Aku Make rire shade pink brown sitha, suka banget sumpah. Malah sejak purchase si rire pink brown ini, produk lain ga kepake, iya si itu applicatornya si pink brown ga senyaman punya Lip cream lainnya, tapi uda terlanjur suka banget sama shade pink brown ini si. Ini warna rire sama banget sama warna punya NYX matte lipstick shade strawberry daiquiri loh. Review in shade warna lain juga ya sitha, keep share ya! Xoxo
ReplyDeleteIya kaan aplikatornya pendek banget sih jadi kudu hati-hati banget make lipstiknya, padahal lipstiknya oke banget. aku belum pernah pake NYX Matte Lipstick sih, tapi kayaknya aku lebih suka formula rire deh, soalnya kalo liquid lipstik kan cenderung lebih awet daripada lipstik biasa. Rencananya sih mau beli shade lain, tapi karena jreng-jreng semua jadi masih di tahan dulu nih hehe. Makasih ya Aida udah mampir :)