So Much For Birthday Suit

Ooh.. This is the review that I'm most anticipated about, do you wanna know why? Just keep on reading. I don't know where you guys live, but if you live in Indonesia like me, you already know by now that Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit is one of the most popular matte liquid lipstick in the blogging world, or in the online shop world. Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit are sold everywhere, doesn't matter the big price range from IDR 100K - 160K, each one of them are sold out quickly. Maybe it's because the Kylie Jenner effect, with her nude, barely there lip shade trend that goes viral. I get it, I love nude lips too, but there are tons of nude lipsticks out there and does each one of them  really works for you? Is this Birthday Suit really suits me?

Ooh.. Review ini lah yang paling gue antisipasi, mau tau kenapa? Lanjut baca aja yaa. Gue nggak tau kalian semua tinggalnya dimana, tapi kalo kalian orang Indonesia kayak gue, kalian pasti tau kalo Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit adalah salah satu lipstik cair matte yang populer nggak cuma di dunia blog, tapi juga di online shop. Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit ini di jual dimana-mana, dan nggak peduli harganya yang beragam mulai dari 100ribu sampe 160ribu sekalipun, semuanya ludes terjual dengan cepat. Mungkin karena efek Kylie Jenner dengan warna bibir nude nya kali ya?. Gue ngerti sih, gue juga suka lipstik nude, tapi kan warna nude ada bejibun di luar sana, apa semua warna itu bakal cocok untuk kita? Apa Birthday Suit ini bener-bener cocok buat gue?

As much as my love for lipsticks, I am quite picky when it comes to the shade, I do want to own every single shade of lipsticks, honestly, but let's be real, not everything looks good on me, like this Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit. It's not that I hate it, I do like it, but it's too pale for my liking and I feel like I need to put extra effort whenever I put this shade on. I feel like I have to wear a really good make up with flawless bright skin, smokey eye look, to make this Birthday Suit work. Or else, I'll end up looking dull with extra yellow teeth. It's not what a birthday suit looks like in my head. Many people describe this as a pink shade with a hint of brown, but I don't see any browns in it. It's simply a pale pink. I thought I mistaken it with the other shade, which is Petal, but the packaging says it is Birthday Suit.

Sebesar-besarnya cinta gue terhadap lipstik, gue masih pilih-pilih warna juga kok, mau nya sih punya segala macem warna lipstik yang ada di dunia ini, tapi realistis aja, nggak semuanya bakal cocok sama gue, kayak si Birthday Suit ini misalnya. Bukannya gue nggak suka, gue suka kok, tapi Birthday Suit ini jatohnya pucat banget untuk selera gue dan gue rasa gue harus bener-bener dandan kalo lagi pake Birthday Suit ini. Gue harus dandan yang mulus dan cerah, pake smokey eye segala, biar si Birthday Suit keliatan bagus di gue. Kalo nggak, yang ada gue malah keliatan kucel dan gigi gue pun keliatan lebih kuning. Nggak sesuai banget sama konsep "Birthday Suit" yang ada di kepala gue. Banyak orang menjabarkan kalo warnanya itu pink dengan sedikit sentuhan warna coklat, tapi gue nggak liat coklatnya sama sekali. Bener-bener pink pucat. Sempet gue pikir punya gue ketuker sama warna satunya lagi, yang Petal, tapi di bungkusnya beneran di tulis Birthday Suit kok. (-___-)a

The application is a bit tricky too, because the applicator sucks. I've said it before that RiRe lip manicure has the shortest applicator ever and it takes full concentration to work it on my lips, but Sleek applicator, even though it's long, but the doe foot shape is too square and thick it makes it really hard to get a neat finish on my lips. I've tried to use lip liner prior just to prevent the liquid going out of my lip lines, but still the applicator mess it up. And I know the packaging says it's an "Ultra Smooth Matte Lip Cream", but it's not that smooth. The liquid texture is kinda creamy, quite similar to RiRe and LA Girl, it does feels smooth and light on the lips, but not ultra smooth. And I don't know why it always end up looking patchy on me! I thought I need to layer it. But it ended up looking the same, and it only made my lips felt heavy.

Pemakaiannya juga agak susah, soalnya aplikatornya payah. Gue sebelumnya udah pernah review RiRe yang kata gue aplikatornya pendek banget dan harus konsentrasi penuh buat bikin bentuk bibir yang pas. Tapi aplikatornya Sleek ini meskipun panjang, tapi doe foot nya itu loh kotak-kotak tebel, jadinya susah banget buat bikin bentuk bibir yang rapih, pasti ujung-ujungnya bleber kemana-mana. Gue udah coba pake lip liner juga sebelumnya biar lipstiknya nggak keluar garis bibir, tapi tetep aja ujung-ujungnya berantakan gara-gara aplikatornya yang nggak pas. Di packaging nya juga di tulis kalo Sleek Matte Me ini adalah "Ultra Smooth Lip Cream", nyatanya nggak sebegitunya. Teksturnya sih krim, mirip sama RiRe dan LA Girl, rasanya emang halus dan ringan di bibir, tapi nggak ultra smooth juga. Dan gue juga nggak ngerti kenapa akhirnya selalu keliatan nggak rata di gue! Gue pikir gue harus layer lagi, tapi tetep aja keliatan sama, malah bibir gue jadi terasa berat.

It is a huge let down for me since I saw this Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit looks amazing on soooo many people, I even heard some people have this stocked because there's nothing quite like this Birthday Suit shade. WHY YOU DIDN'T WORK ON ME, WHYYYYY?!. Do I get the bad batch, is there any bad batch though, like Kat Von D Lolita?. Before I close this review, I am not telling you not to buy Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit. Please do your own research before you buy anything, because I always do so, and believe me, THIS SHADE DOES LOOKS AMAZING ON SO MANY PEOPLE, look it up!. I think Birthday Suit is just not my real Birthday Suit. Maybe this will work on you too. So once again, please don't mistake my review as an encouragement for you guys to not buy this. I'll be experimenting with this Birthday Suit, because I don't want it to be a waste since it's the most pricey lipstick I ever bought. Maybe this will work if mixed with another lipstik. Until then, see you in my next post :)

Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit ini bener-bener mengecewakan buat gue, soalnya gue liat si Birthday Suit ini bagus bangeeet di orang lain, bahkan gue denger ada yang nyetok juga karena belum nemu lipstik lain yang warnanya kayak Birthday Suit. KENAPA KAMU NGGAK BAGUS DI AKU, KENAPAAAAAA?!. Apa gue dapet produk yang jelek, tapi emang ada ya bad batch nya kayak Lolita nya Kat Von D?. Sebelum gue tutup review ini, gue jelasin nih ya... Gue bukannya mempengaruhi kalian untuk tidak membeli Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit ini. Tolong kalian research sendiri sebelum membeli, soalnya gue pun begitu, dan percaya deh, BIRTHDAY SUIT INI BAGUS BANGET DI ORANG LAIN, kalian google aja deh sendiri. Menurut gue Birthday Suit ini bukan Birthday Suit nya gue, dan mungkin dia bakal cocok di kalian. Jadi sekali lagi, jangan salah paham sama review gue ya. Gue bakal bereksperimen sama si Birthday Suit ini, kan mubazir gue udah beli kalo nggak gue pake apalagi ini lipstik paling mahal yang pernah gue beli. Siapa tau kalo di mix sama lipstik lain bakal jadi bagus hasilnya. Sampe ketemu di post yang selanjutnya :)

Rate : 3/5

- Sleek packaging
- Feels light on the lips
- Non-sticky
- Buildable

- Not my exact "Birthday Suit" kinda shade
- Too pale
- Not so smooth
- Bad applicator
- Patchy

Repurchase? Nope.


  1. Yours does look a little lighter than mine does actually D:
    but I know what you mean it can be a little tricky to work with! I like this with a deeper lipliner but I do have to prep the lips well! Also that first shade is gorgeous! The reri one? which brand is that?
    Iqra |The Blushing Giraffe x

    1. Yeah the only way to make it work on me is using a deeper lip liner or layering it up to 2 or 3 layers so it became darker and slightly mauvy. Maybe my lips are too pale so it makes any lipsticks appears brighter on me.
      RiRe is a south korean cosmetic brands, I wasn't sure about it first because it's not as big as the others like Etude House, Tony Moly, etc. But I really wanna try a matte lipsticks from Korean brands since I'm a big fan of theirs, they just never disappoint me, and I'm glad I tried RiRe. I hope it will be available in UK soon!

    2. oh I forgot I wanted to give you the link to my review of RiRe lipsticks just in case you're wondering

      hope it helps :)


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