Lipstik Matte Lokal #2 (Beware, It's A Long Post)

Have I caught your attention? Yes, more local matte lipsticks!. Belakangan ini banyak brand lokal Indonesia yang ikut serta dalam trend matte lipstik. Salah satu brand yang paling booming di antara brand lokal tersebut adalah Purbasari, terus baru-baru ini Make Over juga meluncurkan beberapa warna baru di seri Ultra Matte Lipstick mereka yang masing-masing adalah hasil kolaborasi sama blogger-blogger Indonesia. Dari hasil jalan-jalan ke Aeon Mall, akhirnya gue borong empat lipstik sekaligus. Dua Purbasari dan dua lagi Make Over. Nggak usah panjang lebar, langsung gue jelasin aja kali ya... 

Purbasari Matte Lipstick | 85 Safir
A gorgeous bright warm coral pink shade that reminds me of Colourpop's I Heart This Lippiestix (not that I own this though). Warna ini bener-bener terang dan berani banget, kalo pake lipstik ini muka langsung keliatan cerah. It's a lipstick that kinda stands out by itself so you don't need to put a lot of make up with this lipstick on.

Purbasari Matte Lipstick | 86 Topaz
It's quite hard to explain this shade because it's like a mix of red, orange, and brown. As much as I want to categorize this as Terracotta, it's darker than that. This shade screams the 90's to me, and I like to use this shade to tone down the bright shades as well. Warna ini versatile banget soalnya bisa dipasangin sama look apapun. Simple daily make up bisa, sampe  yang bold and smokey pun juga bisa.

L - R : Safir, Topaz, Baby Bombshell, Fame Fatale

Make Over Ultra Hi-Matte Lipstick | 011 Baby Bombshell
Look at the name, then look at the shade. It's innocent, yet sexy and pretty, just like how Victoria Secrets Angels looks like. This warm peachy pink shade is created by the stunning Andra Alodita. Gue yakin warna ini pasti yang paling laris diantara 15 warna lainnya soalnya sumpaaaah ini warna cakep banget! Testernya aja ludes. I really hope this shade is permanent because I know I'm gonna use this shade a lot. And don't be fooled by the strong hint of pink in this because it pairs beautifully with smokey eye even though it's not that nude!

Make Over Ultra Hi-Matte Lipstick | 015 Fame Fatale
There's no bold and dark lipstick that doesn't attract me. This chameleon shade is created by Sonia Eryka. Under bright lights, sometimes it appears to be maroon, sometimes it seems to be burgundy. Wear it lightly and it will looks like you have a deep berry red lips. Pertama kali pake Fame Fatale ini pas lagi di jemput si mama, gue di protes katanya lipstiknya merah banget, awalnya mau gue pre-love, tapi karena satu dan dua hal (yang nanti akan gue jelaskan lebih lanjut dibawah), akhirnya lipstik ini gue simpen sendiri. Lagian warnanya kece abisss! Walaupun gue tau warna beginian cuma bisa dipake untuk special occasion doang without pulling too much attraction, gue tetep naksir berat sama warnanya.

Clockwise From Top Left : Safir, Topaz, Fame Fatale, Baby Bombshell

Both Purbasari and Make Over has the exact same creamy texture that goes on so smoothly on the lips. The pigmentation is no doubt, it covers the ugliness of my uneven lip color in a single swipe. Nggak seret sama sekali, nggak terasa berat, dan juga nggak bikin kering di bibir, though I still suggest you to exfoliate first to avoid the lipstick emphasizing the flakes on your lips. Cuma bedanya yang Purbasari lebih cepet set ke matte finish-nya setelah dipake, sedangkan yang Make Over pas baru dipake awal-awalnya masih terlihat satin, not shiny, dan dalam beberapa menit baru deh dia bener-bener set jadi dead matte

All of them performed really well, long lasting, with minimum transfer throughout drinking and eating. Tapi tetep ya kalo makannya yang berminyak, berkuah-kuah, pasti bakal lebih cepat hilangnya terutama di bagian tengah bibir, standar lah ya. Soal packaging dua-duanya juga cakep! Si Purbasari kesannya classy dan mewah meskipun harganya yang dibawah 30 ribu, sedangkan Make Over packagingnya kelihatan lebih sleek dan modern

Untuk aroma atau scent, Purbasari wanginya kayak permen karet, Make Over wanginya kayak kue vanila. Tapi wanginya masih tergolong subtle alias samar dan kelamaan juga bakal hilang sendiri, jadi buat yang sensitif sama wangi tertentu rasanya hal ini nggak akan menjadi main concern buat kalian. Akan tetapi hal ini lah yang perlu menjadi main concern kalian! Jengjeng!!!

Lipstik Make Over ini ringkih banget! Baru gue pake sedikiiit aja (2x swatch) udah muter-muter nggak jelas. Pas gue mau pre-love Fame Fatale dan sudah ada yang mau membeli, dia belum muter-muter, tapi pas gue lagi bersihin lipstiknya sebelum di bungkus, begitu dibuka lagi, lipstiknya udah copot dari base nya dan nyosor ke tutupnya!. Cakep benerrrr, jadi sekarang ujungnya rada somplak. And the same thing happened to Baby Bombshell as well, it keeps rotating everytime I'm applying it on to my lips, luckily it hasn't fell on to the lid just like Fame Fatale. Ngebetein kan? padahal mulai dari packaging, warna sampe formulanya udah oke banget dan menurut gue bisa lah di bandingin sama brand luar sana, tapi copot-copotnya ini malesin banget, kalo nggak hati-hati suatu saat bisa aja ini lipstik terjun bebas ke lantai, atau *amit-amit* ke tanah. Jujur gue belum pernah ngalamin hal seperti ini sebelumnya, baik sama lipstik Make Over lainnya, bahkan sama lipstik Just Miss sekalipun. Gue harap sih ke depannya Make Over bakal perbaikin masalah ini ya...

Walaupun lipstik yang Make Over suka muter-muter, gue tetep suka banget sama lipstik ini. I love both Purbasari and Make Over matte lipsticks equally. Keduanya sama bagusnya, sama cantiknya, pilihan warnanya juga beragam. Cuma harganya rada jomplang ya, Purbasari cuma sekitar IDR 28,000 sedangkan yang Make Over IDR 89,000. Soal itu sih kembali ke kalian sendiri, sesuaikan aja sama kantong masing-masing ya? Tapi dengan harga yang masih dibawa IDR 100,000 menurut gue kedua lipstik ini masih terjangkau banget di bandingkan lipstik matte merk luar yang harus kalian beli via online. Jadi bagaimana? Apakah kalian sudah coba lipstik lokal dari Make Over dan Purbasari ini? Let me know in the comment below ya :)


  1. Sitha, these lipsticks look wonderful on you, and ahh , the pigmentation! I love Fame Fatale and Topaz! I've got several matte lipsticks myself, but they transfer like nobody's business, it's so annoying, it's so great that these don't transfer that much!

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'

    1. Thanks, May! I know the pigmentation is just so crazy! It's so good yet so affordable! I think I'd rather buy these lipsticks than have to buy dinner. Fame Fatale and Topaz are my favorite too! I'm also surprised to see how little the amount of lipstick transferred onto my glass, I hope you can find one like these in your country!

  2. Replies
    1. they are! I love these shades! thanks for stopping by Kayla! :D

  3. So many pretty colors!!! The flame fatale color looks stunning on you! I like try baby bombshell ones too!! And the topaz one is a unique color!

    1. Baby Bombshell must appear a little darker on you because I have pale lips and it makes everything to be a lot lighter, but it is such a pretty shade!

  4. They are all really really pretty. I think Topaz is my favorite color!

    1. Topaz is one of my fave too! I love brown lipsticks!

  5. Replies
    1. I agree! I can't wait to do a 90's make up look using Topaz. Thanks for stopping by Linda :D

  6. Sithaa.. aku udah lama banget nyari Purbasari tapi belum dapet-dapet. Kamu beli dimana?
    Yg Make Over Ultra Hi-Matte lipstick aku juga punya yg Fame Fatale. Suka sama warnanya yg bold <3

    Amanda writer of

    1. Aku beli d Aeon Mall mbak, di marketnya komplit lipstik Purbasari ada semua. Iya kan mbaaak yang Fame Fatale warnanya cakep bangeeet!

  7. Wow, what a great, informative review! :) Thank you for sharing, dear. <3 Never heard of this brand before but these lipsticks look absolutely stunning, and I love the creamy, matte finish! Fame Fatale looks like my kind of shade. :) <3


    1. They're Indonesian local brands and I think they haven't gone out there yet, that's why you haven't heard of them. But I hope you can find something similar to these in UK too! and I'm sure fame fatale will suits you beautifully! :D

  8. That "Baby Bomshell" colour seems to be one that I'd favour the most. Beautiful reddish hues. Lovely review. Thanks for sharing.
    The Frenchie Foodie

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Baby bombshell is my favorite shade :)

  9. I love that you're writing the review in two languages and lucky for me, I understand Malay which is similar to Indonesian. LOL! The shades are gorgeous and they all look lovely on you. Strange that Make Over lipstick seems terrible in the packaging, don't know why it seems to turn while you're applying, the shade is lovely though.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. I'm glad you understand it! :D I was going to write in full Indonesian but I know how terrible the translator is, so decided to mix both languages. It is so weird that the packaging for this Make Over lipstick is terrible, I never have the same problem with their other lipsticks, even with cheaper lipsticks in similar packaging :/

  10. Ooh they're all such pretty shades - especially the third shade! xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. they definitely are! I love them all! thanks for stopping by Gemma :D

  11. Sebeeeeel lah, aku nyari fame fatale ga ada >___<

    1. kamu emang nyari dimana indira? aku disini nemu terus loh dimana2, d mall depan rumah ku aja ada..

    2. Di guardian sama watson deket kampus sama rumah ga ada fame fatale nya T-T

    3. *pukpuk cari lagi di counter make over lainnya indira, semangat! pasti nanti ketemu juga kok :)

  12. Baby bombshell is the one I'd go for this time of the year - they look so creamy!
    Iqra |The Blushing Giraffe x

    1. For me, baby bombshell is the kinda shade that can be used throughout the year! It is actually the shade that I thought Sleek Birthday Suit would look on me, but turned out too be pale. They are so creamy! I wish you can try these!

  13. Beautiful shades, Sitha! Love your lips!!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  14. Mbak! Akhirnya Fame Fatale ada juga di Jogja 😂😂 dan warnanya bagus banget deh serius, kind if grungy like, suka bgt! Aku takut2 nih makenya aja ga aku puter, aku biarin lipstiknya mepet ke bibir wadahnya takut patah ky punyamu😰

    1. yeeey alhamdulillah aku ikut seneng dengernya! iya emang warnanya bagus banget kaaan >.<
      haha yaudah mau dipake gimana juga yang penting hati-hati jangan sampe muter-muter atau copot kayak punyaku ya :D

  15. Topaz is actually something I'd wear. Fame Fatale is g o r g e o u s! But I'm not brave enough to wear that kind of colour! I said it again and again but I'm serious impressed and jealous (at the same time, haha) at how Indonesians local beauty brands are stepping up their games! I don't know much about our local brands here, except for the famous Sendayu Tinggi Collection, Elianto (although they are not locally made), Silkygirl (I can't believe I almost left out this haha) and... recently Bella Amara. Malaysia needs more!!

    ieyra h. | blog

    1. You should be brave Ieyra, that kind of shades makes you look way cooler! I am impressed too with the number of local brands releasing a more updated products following the world wide trends, with impressive quality and price as well! I hope Malaysian brands will do the same soon!
      We do have Elianto here, I tried swatching the eyeshadows once and they're good. Maybe I'll give them a try :D

  16. Purbasari nya beli di aeon mall? Itu dimana nya ya outletnya? Lantai berapa

    1. Di aeon market bagian beauty nya mbak. Lantai dasar. Disana komplit banget kosmetik lokalnya :)

  17. Purbasari nya beli di aeon mall? Itu dimana nya ya outletnya? Lantai berapa

  18. antara baby bombshell sama silhouette, lebih cocok yang mana ya buat sehari-hari?
    masih bingung banget >.<

    1. Dua-duanya termasuk warna aman buat sehari-hari sih kalo menurutku.. Sebelum Silhouette keluar aku sering pake Baby Bombshell, tapi sejak punya Silhouette aku jadi lebih banyak pake itu karna emang lebih suka warna nude yang lebih kalem ketimbang yang ngepink :P


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