
Showing posts from 2016

Bibir Ala Korea // Favorite Lipstick Combos To Make Gradient Lips

My obsession to all things Korean or K-pop has been gone a long time ago. Back then there was no gradient lips, just a normal one shade lips, nothing too crazy. Until last year when I began to confess my love to make up, I started to realize different kinds of trends in the make up world. I tried western, middle east, or asian trends, including gradient lips. Sebenarnya yang suka sama gradient lips itu adek ku yang emang cenderung lebih tertarik sama Korean Make Up look yang kesannya lebih natural dan anti ribet, jadi dia suruh aku coba bikin gradient lips .  When I first tried it, it felt weird. I always thought looking cute is not my thing since I have this resting b*  face the whole time, so looking cute would make it seem like I'm trying too hard. But as time goes by, I tried it again.. and looking cute is actually not bad at all.  So I have been experimenting with different lipstick combos to create the gradient lips like those K-pop stars have, now I'm going to

Make Up Tools Must Have // Alat Dandan Wajib Punya

Hello! Man, it feels so good to be back on track of blogging again!.   Anyway... in my previous post I've mentioned about my new activity. Jadi, seiring dengan kegiatan baru aku, kebiasaan dandanku juga jadi baru lagi. And it makes me realize some things that are essentials for my daily make up routine , especially when it comes to make up tools!. Sebagai make up addict , kalian pasti tau gimana rasanya kalo liat make up dan make up tools yang seliweran di IG, Bloglovin', online shop, dll. Rasanya pengen punya semua!. It always feels like it will never be enough , padahal make up yang kita punya itu jauh dari kata habis, hit pan aja belum. But in reality... you don't really need all of them . Untuk post kali ini aku bakal bahas make up tools apa aja yang paling sering aku pake, alias yang paling essential or must have  buat aku. Lez cekidot! 1. Tamia Make Up Sponge Make up sponge ala Beauty Blender ini menurut aku paling serba guna untuk aplikasi make

REVIEW: ELF Contour Palette

Assalamu'alaikum! Haaai jumpa lagi setelah 2 mingguan menghilang,  but this time I have a good reason other than lazy, or procrastinating. Starting from this September I have been teaching english for kids ! Makanya belakangan ini males banget buka laptop, apalagi buat bikin draft blog post . Tapi sekarang aku udah mulai ngumpulin serpihan-serpihan niat untuk kembali aktif nge-blog kok... #thistimeimgonnamakeit #iswear Setelah setahun lamanya menunda, galau mau beli contour palette dari brand yang mana, akhirnya ku putuskan untuk beli ELF Contour Palette ( as told in my last Black Haul post here ). Sebelum punya contour palette , aku biasanya pakai eyebrow powder yang ada di ELF Eyebrow Kit   atau eyeshadow yang ada di Revlon Wet/Dry Shadow (Fleshtone)  karena warnanya sama-sama coklat cool tone  gitu, jadi bisa untuk contour pipi sama hidung juga. Lalu bagaimana dengan ELF Contour Palette ini? Kita langsung review aja yuk!. PACKAGING  :  ELF's sleek blac

Black Haul

Heyyoo! Did I tell you that black is my favorite color? I wear black clothes, pants, or headscarves almost all the time. Tapi sebagai Lipstick Lover , aku nggak punya lipstik hitam, karna aku mikir aja.. mau dipake kemana coba? Pake lipstik warna merah yang jreng dikit aja suka di protes, warna agak vampy  juga sama, gimana kalo hitam?.

REVIEW : Mineral Botanica Loose Powder Foundation & Face Mist

Hai hai! Masih dalam rangka review produk lokal... Kenapa? Soalnya dari awal 2016, banyak banget brand kosmetik   lokal yang rilis produk-produk baru. M ungkin kalian udah familiar sama brand Mineral Botanica Cosmetic (MiCa) , karena Soft Matte Lip Cream MiCa  banyak seliweran di instagram. Tapi gue beli  Loose Powder Foundation sama Face Mist , karena sampe sekarang brand  lokal emang jarang produksi Loose Powder Foundation .  Di tambah gue juga nyari alternatif-nya Anna Sui Loose Powder Foundation  yang dipake nyokap, we all know Anna Sui price range is far from affordable . Kalo Face Mist nya sih gue sekedar penasaran aja, karna belum nemu lagi Bali Alus Face Spray favorit gue. Yuk langsung review!

What's In My Make Up Bag?

Looking through my old post, I realized that I never made a post about the staple products in my make up bag. To be honest, it's not exactly a make up bag, I usually just throw whatever crossed my mind into my bag. Although I do have a make up bag, but I just think it takes up too much space inside my bag/purse. Without any long intro which I always do in my other post... Here's what inside my make up bag:

REVIEW : Wardah Wonder Shine Lip Gloss (02 & 03)

Ka - ki : Wardah Wonder Shine Lip Gloss 03 Soft Pink - O2 Creamy Brown Holla chicas! It's been awhile, but I'm back with another lip product review! . L ipstik ini gue beli hampir 2 tahun yang lalu, sebelum terbesit niat untuk bikin beauty blog , jadi mohon maaf atas ketidaksempurnaan tampilan lip gloss nya.

Minimal Make Up Face

Hi guys! In this post I'm gonna tell you about my current make up routine. I basically just stay at home all day , so I don't really need to wear make up. But, in some cases where I have to go out and don't want to look like a hippie who embraced the no shower life ( like how I used to look and be called at the first year of college btw ), I still put on some minimal make up. And by minimal, I mean it only takes me 5-10 minutes to get it done, with those products that's been my go-to products for weeks!. Wanna see how it looks? Just keep on reading...

COMPARISON: Fanbo Eye Pen Liner & Wardah EyeXpert Optimum Hi-Black Liner

Setahun yang lalu pas cinta gue terhadap make up mulai bersemi, merk lokal pada umumnya cuma memproduksi  eyeliner  dalam bentuk pensil,  retractable pencil,   gel, atau cair. Sedangkan gue pengen banget punya yang versi pen/spidol. Kenapa? Soalnya lebih praktis dan gampang di pakenya ketimbang yang gel atau liquid , apalagi untuk pemula kayak gue.

EVENT : Make Over Beauty Class

Hai cewek~ udah lama rasanya gue nggak bikin review, tapi disimpen untuk postingan selanjutnya aja yah. For this post I'm going to share my experience of joining Make Over's Beauty Class last week . Beberapa minggu yang lalu gue liat di IG Make Over kalo mereka mau adain Beauty Class di Nanny's Pavilion Summarecon Serpong tanggal 1 Mei, gue langsung daftar. Sempet di taro di  waiting list sih karena kuota mereka udah penuh, tapi akhirnya gue kebagian juga, thanks to whoever you are whom cancelled your booking.

5 Common Bra Problems

Throughout my life, I've always hated myself and partly my mom for being "blessed" around the chestal area, I bet you know what I mean . Three years ago before I wore hijab, I noticed how "the girls" attracts attention from boys, even if I didn't mean to, I didn't even wear any revealing clothes. I remember how my mom used to tell me that bra could change everything. If you wear the right bra, it won't make your girls look bigger than it already is, it might even make it appear to be smaller, and better under your clothes. 

Recent Haul

Hey ladies! as I promised in my last post, I have prepared a post this week and it's about my recent haul!. Disclaimer: I'm always on a budget, I didn't buy all of these products all at once at the same week, or month, I bought them separately. So, don't think I'm a crazy unemployed who buys a lot of make up or skin care products all the time :D. Anywho, here's the details of my haul...

Life Lately #1

Assalamu'alaikum. Hai semuanya, wazzaaap?. Untuk kesekian kalinya gue mangkir dari tekad gue untuk lebih rajin nge-blog ditengah-tengah kekosongan dan ketidakpastian hidup ini (baca: nganggur ngalor-ngidul). To shortly sum up my life in the past few months since I graduated, I have done nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. Of course I still do some regular daily stuffs, I'd go out if being at home has reached to the point where I turn into some overthinking wacko, then I'd go back home instantly wherever I started to have anxiety that makes me feel if I'm being out any longer something bad might happen.  I know it still sounds like I'm a wacko .

REVIEW : Colourpop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipsticks (Instigator, Beeper, Stingraye)

Hello everyone, I apologize in advance for another lipstick review, cause despite the fact that I have no job and basically broke, I still managed to buy at least one lipstick every month! Nggak tau diri banget ya gue? Tapi gimana dong, walaupun udah jarang buka Bloglovin, scrolling instagram tetep jalan, tau sendiri godaan olshop di instagram kayak gimana , I know I need help. I'm a bit late for trying out these Colourpop Ultra Matte Liquid Lipsticks, a lot of brands already released their own liquid lipsticks that I'd love to try as well, but hey, better late than never right?!. Before I start to rambling out of topic, let's just get to the review shall we?. * Standar orang Indonesia yang hobi ngobrol, nyapa dikit aja bisa berlanjut ngobrol satu jam (ya nggak? ya nggak? hehe) *

If I Get To Spend 24 Hours In My Hometown...

Hello everyone! Not so much of a spoiler alert, this post is not going to be beauty related ( it's obvious from the title ), but I hope you'd still enjoy it cause I'm gonna be talking about holiday destinations!. As someone who has been unemployed for months, I don't think I need more holiday, but considering it's been rainy in the past few weeks, while in some other countries the winter is still freezing you guys too, I think it's normal if we're dreaming about going on a holiday where it's sunny almost everyday. And I know just the right place where the sun always shines even if it's the rain season, it's my hometown, West Sumatra, Indonesia.

Nude Lipsticks Collection

Assalamu'alaikum! Hi girls! It's been a long time, I know.. and it's too late to say Happy New Year 2016 already, but how's everyone doing? I'm being serious here, I'm asking you guys how are you guys doing lately cause I haven't read blogs or catch up on my Bloglovin' feed for a long time. I am also pleasantly surprised that I haven't lost any single followers at all though I haven't posted anything since November 2015, and I apologize for that, I'm just simply lazy that's all.