
Showing posts from 2015

Pore Filler or Color Correcting Primer?

I am grateful for having a good skin that doesn't have much problem other than occasional breakout during that time of the month and some oils around the T-zone, so I thought moisturizer would be enough as the base of my make up. But the more I watch make up tutorials, and read beauty reviews, I'm getting more and more curious about how primer will work on me. So on this post, I'm gonna talk about two primers that I have tried up to this day. 

MOTD | Copper Smokey Eye Inspired By Suhay Salim

Last Sunday, my mom and dad got invited to their friend's son wedding so I tagged along. Since the reception was held on the evening, I thought why not wear something a bit dramatic? I've had this Orange/Copper Smokey Eye  in mind for quite along time, I just didn't know where I should go with it.

Lipstik Matte Lokal #2 (Beware, It's A Long Post)

Have I caught your attention? Yes, more local matte lipsticks! . Belakangan ini banyak brand lokal Indonesia yang ikut serta dalam trend matte lipstik. Salah satu brand yang paling booming di antara brand lokal tersebut adalah Purbasari, terus baru-baru ini Make Over juga meluncurkan beberapa warna baru di seri Ultra Matte Lipstick mereka yang masing-masing adalah hasil kolaborasi sama blogger-blogger Indonesia. Dari hasil jalan-jalan ke Aeon Mall, akhirnya gue borong empat lipstik sekaligus. Dua Purbasari dan dua lagi Make Over. Nggak usah panjang lebar, langsung gue jelasin aja kali ya... 

My 1st Liebster Award | The Nominees

Happy weekend everyone! So... I have been nominated for Liebster Award for my first time! It is a big deal for me since I'm relatively new here, I feel like I am nominated for the Oscar for new bloggers. This is one of the best thing in the blogsphere, people genuinely support each other, bloggers to fellow bloggers, readers to bloggers, how come people in the internet are so nice while people in the real world are so mean and so rude?. Kay from Shoes and Glitter is the one who nominated me for this award. You guys definitely have to check out her blogs it's about lifestyle and beauty and her blog is so pretty to look at, just like Kay herself. I am so flattered to be recognized by you! Thank you so much for nominating me.

Project Pan #1

After I finished some of my stuffs (read my Product Empties post here ) and re-organized my make up, I also collect up all of the products that already hit pan and doesn't have much left. I'm trying to use them more so I can finish them and buy new products again, that's the cycle. I know that 2/3 of it includes Revlon products, which I already mentioned in my Empties post as well that I am not going to buy their products anymore simply because they fund all the cruel things that happened in Palestine. 

Current Favorite Facial Masks

As someone who blogs anything related to beauty, I know I should post some things about skin care, but looking back at my previous posts, none of them are about skin care. Well to be honest talking about skin care scares me a little bit, because unlike lipsticks or other make ups that usually won't give a major side effect if those products doesn't suits your skin, skin care is different. If you ended up with the wrong skin care, it may cause some breakouts, dryness, or other allergic reactions here and there.. and I don't wanna be responsible for that because I am the one who recommended you the products.

REVIEW: ELF Contouring Blush & Bronzing Powder (St. Lucia)

A few months ago, I never thought that I needed bronzer because I always assumed that bronzer is for pale girls only who wants to look like as if they just came back from vacation in a tropical island. I live in a tropical country, I don't have pale skin, looking bronzed is never been a trend here because most people still think clear-bright skin is one of the definition of "pretty". Until I realized most of my bases are all a tad lighter than my skin tone. It makes me look pale and flat. That's when it hit me, I need bronzer in my life.

Empty Products

Can I get a hooray for this post?! I recently re-organized my make up and skin care, I divided my make up into two places, most of it are placed in my closet drawer, and the rests that I used a lot are put in my make up bag, or just scattered on the table along with my skin care. And from that re-organizing, I realized that half my drawer is full of lipstick. As a beginner in collecting make up, does 20 something lipsticks considered to be too many? Do I need help?

Make Up of The Day (MOTD)

Hello everyone, guess what? I am officially unemployed now. I graduated on Saturday, my parents warned me to stop laying around my bed watching movies and starts looking for informations about jobs, scholarships, trainings, etc while waiting for a call. But I already got in mind that I'm hopping I'm gonna be blogging a lot more in the mean time. Yay!

Just Miss Pencil Lipsticks, Are They Worth To Try?

Kalo kalian suka main-main ke Stroberi di mall mungkin kalian udah pernah liat lipstik ini. Dilihat dari  packaging  beserta kondisi sekitarnya yang dipenuhi dengan kosmetik-kosmetik ala-ala lain pasti kalian ragu buat belinya. Itu juga yang gue alamin sebelumnya.  But... Everything changed when the fire nation attack . Nggak deeeh... semuanya berubah begitu gue ngeliat banyak  Indonesian Beauty Blogger  yang beramai-ramai  review  lipstik ini. Banyak yang bilang bagus banget, murah banget, pilihan warnanya banyak, dan lain-lain. Sebagai pecinta lipstik gue penasaran dong, nggak sabar pengen cepet-cepet ke Stroberi, dan sampe disana gue bingung harus beli yang mana.

Bye Bye Dry Lips

You have no idea that I have been waiting for this Nivea Lip Butters for years. Yes, YEARS. I already know about this lip butters since 2 years ago when I was reading some beauty articles in a website that I can't remember anymore. I was always on the hunt for the perfect lip balm because I was stuck with my lip balm collections from the same ol' brands that couldn't keep my lips moisturized for at least an hour. And now I'm proud to say that the hunt is over, it is now available in my local Hypermart, probably yours too.

REVIEW: Silky Girl Double Intense Liquid Eyeliner

Hi guys, today I have a review about one of Silky Girl's eyeliner. This will be my first eyeliner review since this blog started. Yeah, it is a bit surprising even for me because I have a handful amount of eyeliners, and honestly eyeliner was one of the first make up products I ever bought along with lipstick. I love me some winged eyeliners. It can turn my small eyes to be more elongated, bigger, and cooler. It may take some time and lots of concentration to create the perfect wing, but once it's done, I wouldn't stop staring at my own eyes every few minutes admiring how pretty it looks!.

Eyeshadow Lokal Kualitas Interlokal?

Hayooo apakah judul postingan gue kali ini mengingatkan kalian pada sesuatu? Tapi barangkali ada di antara kalian yang nggak tahu, judul di atas merupakan istilah yang digunakan dalam dunia per-teleponan, khususnya WARTEL (Warung Telekomunikasi). Ya istilahnya mungkin rada nggak nyambung kali ya sama eyeshadow , intinya gue cuma mau menyatakan kalo eyeshadow lokal ini kualitasnya nggak kalah bagus sama eyeshadow merk luar yang sudah gue coba sebelumnya.

New Viva Stuffs!

Assalamu'alaikum, sebelumnya gue ngucapin Selamat Idul Adha ya untuk kalian yang kemarin merayakan. Gimana lebarannya? Ada yang cuti/bolos kah di hari ke jepit? Atau tetap harus masuk sekolah/kuliah/kerja di hari Jum'atnya? Kaasiaaan... (geleng-geleng kayak Upin Ipin). Seperti yang bisa kalian lihat, gue belanja make up lagi hahaha setelah Early September Haul , tidak butuh waktu yang lama buat gue untuk memendam gelora api yang membara di hati gue setiap gue ngelewatin konter make up, yang selalu berujung dengan isi dompet menjadi terbakar.

HOW TO: Get The Healthy Summer Glow All Year Around

Aloha, girls! I know it's been awhile since the last time I posted my How To Look Glowing Without Being Too Dewy , and I think I should do How To post more often. Aaand just about time, summer is about to leave and it's gonna be fall soon out there (not in Indonesia though), and I'm sure some of you might ready for the sweather weather along with the cute fall outfits, but the cold probably will give you dry skin while yesterday you were just embracing all the glow on your skin in the summer. This gave me idea to write a post on how to achieve the perfect healthy summer glow, all year around, . It got me thinking too, why the hell did I never thought of that before? I live in Indonesia, it's either hot or raining here, and it practically feels like Summer here throughout the year! It'll be helpful not only for us Indonesians, but for those of you out there who lived in 4 seasons country but refused to leave the fresh, simple, yet stunning summer look.

REVIEW: Etude House Drawing Brow (Grey Brown)

Hello again! Another post about another eyebrow product, which is never been my favorite since I'm still figuring out how to make my #eyebrowsonfleek, but yet without the help of eyebrow product my brows would look almost invisible (especially on photos) because it's thin, sparse and short.

REVIEW: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream (Amsterdam)

Hello girls! How's your week so far? I hope it's good and not as boring as mine. I've been holding myself from reviewing another lip products in the past couple of weeks so I wouldn't bore you guys out #lipstickhoarderprobs. Now I got a new lipstick to review, which I got for free as a giveaway gift from Female Daily . It was their first giveaway, all I had to do was write beauty products reviews on FD's review page, the prizes were NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream, Colourpop Lippiestix, Hydraluron, and Urban Decay's Naked Palette!. I was lucky to get one of this SMLC. They had another giveaway too last week with loads of lipsticks as the prize, but I didn't win. And this week, they're having another giveaway with eye products as the prize!. It's crazy how Female Daily keep throwing giveaway for their members! (in a good way).

Bedak Untuk Kulit Berminyak

Selain lipstik, barang lainnya yang bikin gue nggak tahan buat beli yang baru terus walaupun yang ada di rumah belum habis-habis adalah bedak. Kenapa? Soalnya kulit gue ini kombinasi, T-zone cenderung berminyak, tapi daerah pipi cenderung kering. Sebenarnya dari SMP sampe awal kuliah gue jarang banget bedakan, kalopun bedakan cuma pake bedak bayi. Karena gue udah hopeless sama bedak merk manapun yang ujung-ujungnya tetep bikin kulit gue berminyak dan kucel, ditambah kondisi muka gue yang amat sangat nggak bersahabat, dengan jerawat dimana-mana, gue takut kalo kebanyakan eksperimen yang ada jerawat gue malah makin parah. Baru dua tahun belakangan ini aja muka gue rada mendingan, dan mulai lah gue berani icip-icip pake bedak ini itu.

FOTD + REVIEW : Rimmel Lasting Finish 25HR Foundation

After testing this foundation for a few times, using different ways and application methods, I'm finally ready to give you the review of the newest addition to my foundation collections, Rimmel Lasting Finish 25HR Foundation. My fellow blogger friend, Ashley from Ashley Sue Make Up  told me she heard good things about this foundation, and frankly that was my reason to buy this foundation too. Is it really good then? Well, let me explain...

Early September Haul

Holaaa! Here comes the shopping spree!~ If you seen my graduation wishlist, you'll know that I'm gonna buy some products in purpose to be used on my graduation day, which will only be one day, but it is kinda a big deal, so I want to look good on that day, and I'm gonna do my own make up because I just don't like the idea getting my make up done by stranger who has no idea about my skin at all, then put random products on my skin, plus I don't wanna wake up super early just to wait in line to get my make up. I already planned on to buy whatever I need separately, this month, and the next month, so I don't have to use up all of my money in one month, and here they are the first part of my graduation haul:

Make Up Under 200K (3 Lip Options)

Terinspirasi setelah nonton video Make Up Under 200K Challenge -nya Mbak Lizzie Parra, gue jadi dapet ide buat bikin post soal make up dibawah 200ribu versi gue sendiri. Kalian pasti tau lah karena gue sendiri juga mahasiswa, belum kerja, masih mengandalkan uang dari orang tua, jadi gue kudu ngirit-ngirit kalo beli make up, alhasil barang-barang yang gue beli pasti yang masih ramah di kantong harganya hehe. Nah, mau tau apa aja produk make up pilihan gue untuk post kali ini? Mari di tengok...

Kathleen Lights Signature Red Lipstick In Collaboration With OFRA

OMG OMG the video is literally just uploaded a few minutes ago, I personally just finished watching it and I'm freaking out, I can't wait to share this to the world! KATHLEEN LIGHTS CREATED A LIQUID LIPSTICK AND IT IS RED! YESSSSSSSS! I'm so full of nudes and pinks, when I saw this on her I instantly fell in love. I'm starting to grow my red lipstick collections, so far I only have 4: two liquids, two lipsticks, plus one lip liner, and none of them are close to this red with a hint of brown and orange, as Kathleen says it's like terra cotta shade, nothing. I WANT THIS SO BAAAADDD!

Cream Eyeshadows Collection

I'm not a big fan of powder eyeshadow, I do have a couple palettes for my collection and for something to play and practice make up with, but the reality is I don't use them on daily basis. Powder eyeshadow usually takes more time to pack on, then I just can't decide which shade I'm gonna use next, I'll end up combining more than four shades and keep blending back and forth for the next 30 minutes. Actually it's not a big deal because I only use eyeshadow for special occasion where I always put extra time to get ready, but sometimes when I go out I wanna give something to my eyelids, to add a little bit of dimension, or just to make it look a bit smoky, without taking too much effort and time, this is where the cream eyeshadows come in handy.

REVIEW: Wet N' Wild Megalast Lipsticks

I think it's about time for me to review these lipsticks. I mean, if you're a lipstick lover but you don't own at least one Wet n' Wild Megalast lipstick, then what are you?. Well, that might sounds obnoxious, but it's true. I bought these not just because I want to be seen as a true lipstick lover, but because I've heard so many good things about these. These lipsticks are described as a 4 hour, long-wearing lip colour that leaves a semi-matte cream finish in one stroke, and it's true. Do I need to say more? I don't think so. If you don't believe me, you can go on a research about these lipsticks to proof it. I won't be giving you a full, in depth review, it's written on the description already, so I'm gonna review it by the shades. Here goes the swatches...

Wishlist: Graduation Edition

The last time I did a wish list post was before Eid, did I manage to get them all? No. I almost got RT's Sculpting Set but the seller canceled it in the last minute before payment because apparently it wasn't on stock anymore. But you've seen the mess I've made on my July Haul, at least I bought somethings after Eid, and none of them were actually written on my Eid wish list *sigh* I need to learn to control my urge for shopping.

So Much For Birthday Suit

Ooh.. This is the review that I'm most anticipated about, do you wanna know why? Just keep on reading. I don't know where you guys live, but if you live in Indonesia like me, you already know by now that Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit is one of the most popular matte liquid lipstick in the blogging world, or in the online shop world. Sleek Matte Me Birthday Suit are sold everywhere, doesn't matter the big price range from IDR 100K - 160K, each one of them are sold out quickly. Maybe it's because the Kylie Jenner effect, with her nude, barely there lip shade trend that goes viral. I get it, I love nude lips too, but there are tons of nude lipsticks out there and does each one of them  really works for you? Is this Birthday Suit really suits me?

Ze Browz

Lemme get this straight, brows aren't my thing. Yes, it is lovely to have a set of thick and well shaped brows, but what if all you got is a sparse and short brows like me?. I don't want to pluck or trim them to get a better shape because it's haram. I'm not sure about getting them threaded is allowed, I've seen tattooed brows everywhere and I don't like how bold it looks. That's why I just picked whatever people says it's good without thinking twice. And my first eyebrow product is ELF Eyebrow Kit, then followed by Maybelline Fashion Drama Brow Mascara.

Current Favorite Base (Pixy Bright Fix BB Cream)

Hi girls. Happy Indonesia's 70th Independence day!. I'm sorry I didn't post a lot lately. I've been busy with college, testing, and getting my thesis done. I don't know if I will graduate this semester or not, but let's just hope for the best. In the middle of my business and getting stressed with everything, I did some shopping whether it's for food, drink, or make up. Hence this review came up.

REVIEW: RiRe Lip Manicure High Fix Pink Brown & Muse Red

Sticking to the liquid lipstick hype that doesn't seem to be leaving in at least to the end of this year, I'm curious to try some other brands after being impressed with the LA Girl Flat Finish Pigment Gloss. But as a college student with limited budget, I try to keep it less than 150K for each lipstick. As much as I wanted to try Kat Von D Everlasting Liquid Lipsticks in Lolita also the newly released Veronica and Trust Issue from Anastasia Beverly Hills, let's be real, they're too pricey for me. I'd rather save my money to buy shoes, bags, or books, which I know can be used for years, instead of a piece of liquid lipstick that probably doesn't even contain a full spoon of rice.

Instagram Accounts To Follow

About two months ago, I made an instagram account. The reason is simple, to stalk my favorite celebrities, in this case it was all the good looking cast of Turkish Elif TV Series. I had no idea other people that I got to follow besides some of my friends, and celebrities on instagram's suggested page. Yes, I followed the Kardashian's Klan too, but who doesn't? They always look amazing with their sharp cheekbones and blinding glow from their faces, at least you can get some inspiration for your look from them, right?. I follow loads of make up artists and other beauty enthusiasts too, until I've reached more than 700 counts on my following sections.

July Haul

I finally have a haul post! Yaaaay! It's a collective haul actually since I don't get them all at once. I managed to resist the temptation to buy make up on Ramadan, ya know you gotta hold it back. And thankfully, after back and forth looking at some online shops and put everything I want on the cart, I still got to keep myself from buying everything. As I always have a soft spot for lipsticks, lipsticks took a big part in this haul. Before I talk too much, let's get to the details!

REVIEW: Mirabella Fruity Colorfix 01

Assalamu'alaikum semuanyaaa!. Gue mau review lipstik lagi nih, yang gue beli sebelum lebaran. Yah lagi-lagi lipstik, tapi nggak apa-apa lah yah, kayak yang puas aja sama satu warna lipstik doang, cung yang setuju! hehe. Buat kalian yang punya instagram, ada yang follow akun @fayjoenoes nggak? Kalo ngga, BURU FOLLOW! # maksa. Pokoknya kalo kalian penggila lipstik kayak gue, kalian harus follow   page -nya Mbak Fera, sama @lippielust dan @thelipstikmafiaaa   soalnya lip swatches mereka kece banget, apalagi karena mereka orang Indonesia, jadi seneng liat swatch mereka buat referensi sebelum beli lipstik, buat di cocok-cocokin dulu kira-kira sesuai sama kulit kita apa ngga gitu deh...

My Go-To Blush

    Eid Mubarak to those of you who celebrated! I know it's late by more than a week, but I hope this year's Ramadan will make us better and may Allah forgive our sins. Amin. And how was your holiday? I bet it was fun spending all of your time with the loved ones. 

What's In My Make Up Bag: Eid Edition

Lebaran sebentar lagi... Mari cari baju baru lagi... (Eh, gitu bukan sih lagunya?) Seperti orang rantau pada umumnya, menjelang hari lebaran ini gue dan keluarga gue mulai siap-siap untuk mudik ke kampung halaman gue di Sumatera Barat.

REVIEW: Etude House Soft Auto Touch Lip Liner

Hai semuanya, ketemu lagi di post baru dan lagi-lagi tentang pensil bibir. Sebelumnya gue udah ulas tentang lip liner Silky Girl , dan semuanya masih dalam kategori warna nude pink . Karena masih penasaran pengen nyoba lip liner merek lain, terutama yang warnanya agak kecoklatan, akhirnya gue cari lagi lip liner lain yang harganya masih terjangkau, dan ketemu lah gue sama Etude House Soft Auto Touch Lip Liner ini, dan karena harganya yang tergolong murah, gue putuskan untuk beli tiga warna sekaligus.

The Removers

Hi girls! How's it going? Today I'm going to share the stuffs that I've been using to take off all of my make up, even the waterproof one, the quick n' easy way. So far I haven't tried much products, simply because I don't wear make up daily but when I do, I always keep it light. Let's get to the chase, shall we?

Mom's Make Over Collection

Another local brand! Yaaaay! Disclaimer : Sesuai apa yang tertulis di judul, barang-barang ini bukanlah punya gue, melainkan milik nyokap gue yang diam-diam gue pinjam untuk keperluan review gue.

Make Up Wish List: Eid Edition

Assalamu'alaikum. I know that Eid is still two weeks away, but I want to share somethings that I want to buy for Eid, or after Eid if I get extra money from my family ( you know what I mean ),

REVIEW: Make Up Academy Heaven & Earth Palette

Hi guys!. Previously, I made a post about How To Look Glowing Without Being Too Dewy  where I mentioned about using the light eyeshadow shades as highlighter, and the eyeshadow that I used is the shade Aurora from MUA Heaven & Earth Palette . I thought it will be weird if I talked about the shade but haven't talk about the overall of the palette itself. So, I decided to write a review about it.

Ramadan Make Up Routine

Assalamu'alaikum. Hi girls, how's your fasting so far? Speaking of Ramadan, you don't get much hydration from your body due the lack of drinking, meanwhile the current weather is awfully hot and dry during the day that will cause your skin to be more dry, or even more oily because it tricks your skin to produce more oil to keep it moisturized. I don't wear make up everyday, but if I'm going out with my family I like to put a little bit of make up to look more pulled together. So here's the list of make up routine that I've been doing in this holy month...

Budget Friendly Make Up Brush Set

Hai semuanya! Setelah kemaren udah ngomongin banyak soal make up, nah sekarang gue mau ngomongin soal brush  alias kuas make up . Bukan sembarang kuas yang harga satu setnya dibawah 100ribu tapi ujung-ujungnya ke buang juga, tapi bukan juga kuas merek brand terkenal yang harganya selangit dan udah pasti kualitasnya sebanding sama harganya ( ada harga, ada barang dong ). Hi everyone! After talking about lots of make up in the previous post, now I'm going to talk about make up brushes. Not some random brushes priced under IDR 100K that will be thrown away eventually (due the bad quality), but not a high end brand brushes with high price as well though surely the quality compares to the price.

How To: Look Glowing Without Being Too Dewy

clockwise : Tony Moly Shimmer Lover Cube #05 Gold, MUA Heaven & Earth Palette, Wardah Wondershine Lip Gloss Creamy Brown. Assalamu'alaikum! Marhaban ya Ramadhan.. Alhamdulillah udah masuk bulan puasa lagi. Selamat berpuasa ya buat kalian semua yang menjalankan, semoga puasanya berkah, dan di lancarkan sampe lebaran nanti. Amiiin!

Picture Perfect Foundation

Top o' the morning! Does the title sounds tempting to you? I bet everyone wants to look good in photos, more importantly on their special day. I know you've had your times where in school pictures you look weird, with sleek hair that's been brushed by your teacher so you look neat but it ended up looking funny, or maybe you looked washed out because of the flash? no? just me? Well, enough rambling and let me introduce you to the foundation that helped me create a flawless looking face that will make you look amazing in your photos with no filter needed, and it's Revlon Photoready Airbrushed Effect Make Up. 

Lipstik Matte Lokal Favorit

Sebagai pengumpul lipstik, gue sih lebih suka warna natural alias nude  yang aman-aman aja mau dipake kemana juga. Gue pikir gue udah punya cukup banyak lipstik nude dan nggak bermaksud untuk nambah koleksi lagi. Tapi... namanya juga godaan. Maksudnya cuma beli stick foundation buat shading , eh malah jadi nengok-nengok lipstik juga. Dan karena penasaran sama merk Mirabella yang udah banyak di ulas sama blogger-blogger lainnya, udah gitu kesannya merk ini juga susah ditemuinnya, jadi lah gue beli ini lipstik walaupun asal comot karena nggak ada sampelnya.

REVIEW : BH Cosmetic San Francisco Palette

Hi girls! If you read my previous posts where I already talked about base and some lip products, this time I'm gonna be reviewing this versatile, compact, travel friendly palette, which is BH Cosmetic San Francisco Palette. 

REVIEW : LA Girl Matte Flat Finish Pigment Gloss in Fleur, Bazaar & Rebel

Hello again!. Okay, quick story. The second I read Noveau Cheap 's post about this  LA Girl Matte Flat Finish Pigment  coming soon on April and I've read that it will only be $5, I was really hoping that some of the online stores here will be selling them ASAP. I mean, come on? Who can't resist that price? With tons of liquid/cream lipstick with matte finish came out already with the price not less than $8, I'm pretty sure everyone was waiting for these.

REVIEW : Olay Total Effects Pore Minimizing CC Cream

Hi girls! Today's post is going to be a review of the base product that I've been using for a couple weeks non-stop, which is Olay Total Effects Pore Minimizing CC Cream  (what a mouthful name!). I have tried a few BB Creams already, although I love how they made my skin look fresh and almost flawless, I still think that bb creams are too thick, too balmy, sometimes too greyish (it's kinda hard to find a budget friendly yellow based bb cream).

REVIEW : Silky Girl Long-Wearing Lip Liner Nude & Mauve

Assalamu'alaikum! Review pertama gue... Sebenarnya banyak banget yang mau gue review. Tapi berhubung gue paling suka sama lipstik dan sejenisnya, dan salah satu dari lip liner yang mau gue review ini baru aja gue beli kemaren, jadi nggak sabar deh buat review ini duluan.


Assalamu'alaikum.. Hai semuanya! Ini adalah post pertama dari blog gue. Gue bener-bener masih baru banget minatnya dalam segala hal yang berhubungan dengan kecantikan ini, tepatnya tahun lalu, dimana gue lebih memilih untuk nonton tutorial make up di youtube dibandingin beresin laporan kerja praktek gue (kadang gue nonton Masha & The Bear sama Upin Ipin juga). Gue juga seneng banget baca blog-blog kecantikan kalo gue lagi bengong atau lagi mangkir dari tugas gue, tapi nggak pernah sedikitpun gue mikir tentang buat blog sendiri, apalagi youtube channel!